Page 63 of Sky Full of Stars
Funnily enough it was a call from Keira that convinced me to stay. She knew I was coming because I’d asked for Adam’s address and sworn her to secrecy.
“He called us last night and told us it was bullshit,” Keira said. She sounded angry. “These damn wannabes wanting to ride on the coat tails of talented people. Jenna, trust me, this isn’t true, Adam is so upset about it.”
“He text me but I didn’t see it till I got off the plane,” I tell her. “I stupidly let my phone go flat last night because I was panicking about getting everything packed. I charged it on the flight. He told me to call before I believe anything I see.”
“He’s right. Jenna you have to talk to him. I know this has messed up the surprise but he will be so happy to see you. He needs something good and that is you.”
I sit down on a bench with my weekend case between my knees. LAX is so busy and there is a group of photographers by the entrance waiting for god knew who. I am so out of my element here.
“Please stay,” Keira says quietly. “Talk to him.”
“Okay,” I whisper.
“Let me know how he is once you’re settled in and have talked.”
“I will.”
I hang up and look around me. He has been wearing me down for days about coming out here. I’d spent ages agonising over it. I just kept thinking back to the time we’d spent together, at his sister’s house, the ball game, McAllister’s. It started to outweigh the fear. Getting to know him as a person, rather than a celebrity, not to mention how he makes me feel sexually. I spent night after night thinking about our tryst in the back of the car. I went from being completely turned on, to laughing hysterically at what happened to him.
And the more I thought about visiting the more excited I got. I was not going to let him pay for me to fly out here and that gave me the idea of surprising him. I told Izzy the truth about what is going on and asked for a couple of days but she told me to take a full week. Going through the illness with Ada had given her a whole new perspective. Work isn’t everything. She’d practically kicked me out of the office telling me to let fate take its natural course. I booked a four-day trip, not a full week. I didn’t know how it would go and could always extend if necessary.
And here I am, seeing a picture of an attractive looking blond, claiming not only had she slept with Adam, but was carrying his child.
I could hear his voice telling me most of the news about him is made up. This is difficult to see, especially considering we haven’t slept together.
I lose all track of time sitting in the airport trying to decide what to do. It’s only when my stomach gurgles I realise it’s been a while since I last ate. I need to piss or get off the potty. I head to the ladies room to freshen up. I can do this. I’ll hear him out. I’m fairly certain I’ll be able to tell if he’s lying. I hope he isn’t.
The taxi ride takes forever, then is over all too soon and the cab pulls up at a security gate. A guard sticks his head out of the booth and asks who I’m here to see. My mouth goes dry, this is where he lives? A gated community with guards? I tell him who I’m here for and give him my name. After a phone call, the guard allows the cab to enter and gives the driver directions to Adam’s property.
I can smell the sea and it’s so warm I’m starting to sweat. When the cab stops at another set of gates, I get out of the car and the driver helps me with my case. I look through the gates and see a sleek modern building with a contrasting black and white façade with a huge double height door in the centre. There are no windows on the ground floor, apart from sidelights by the door. My palms are so sweaty I have to wipe them on my thighs. The gate buzzes open and starts to slide back. It makes me jump when the cab pulls away. I take a step over the threshold as the front door opens.
Adam comes out of the door and stares at me. He shakes his head a little, as if he still doesn’t believe what he is seeing. I take a deep breath and walk up the drive. There are two cars, an SUV similar to the one he was driving in New York and a sleek silver Tesla. So much money, I think, panicking again.
He takes the two steps from the door down onto the drive and walks towards me. He’s wearing grey shorts and a black t-shirt, he’s barefoot. He looks incredible and my pulse jumps up a notch. “I can’t believe you’re here,” he says.
“Surprise,” I say, but not with as much feeling as I planned.
“You’ve seen the news?” he asks, apprehensively.
“I have,” I stop in front of him.
“But you still came?”
“Didn’t see it till I landed, figured I was here might as well make the most of it.”
His face drops. I’ve never seen him look so unsure of himself and remember Keira telling me he is more insecure than people realise. I know right then the story is bullshit.
“You gonna make me stand out here on the driveway my whole trip?”
His brows rise, he looks confused so I take the lead and walk the last few steps to him, moving up close I slip my arms around his shoulders. He looks at me in surprise more than anything else but when I go up on my toes to kiss him, he finally relaxes and kisses me back, his arms going tight around me.
“You have no fucking idea how glad I am to see you,” he whispers against my lips.
“I’m pretty sure I do,” I smile. “I think we both need a drink and from the taste of it, you’ve started without me.”
He grins. “Come on,” he grabs my case, holds my hand, leading me to his house.
When we go inside, I’m reminded of every single Hollywood movie or description in a novel of where the stars live. The flooring is expensive tile, the ceilings are double height, there is a sweeping curved staircase to the first floor and I can see straight from the front door through to the back of the house which is a wall of glass, and the ocean beyond it. He is watching my wide-eyed survey with a look of amusement.