Page 66 of Sky Full of Stars
“I was thinking swimming,” I tell him. “I’ve been eyeing the pool since I got here.”
“Swimming sounds good,” he nods.
We finish our food and I nip upstairs to take a quick shower and change into a royal blue bikini I picked up specifically for this trip. Brooke made me go shopping with her to buy some new stuff, a couple of dresses, a bikini and sexy lingerie. She warned me if I didn’t come back royally fucked by a rock star she would disown me.
When I get back down there is no sign of him so I slip outside and walk to the pool. It’s large and kidney shaped with a hot tub at the end. I shake my head, I can’t believe he lives here alone with all of this. I dip my toe in the water, it’s warm. Dropping my towel I sit on the edge then lower myself into the water. It feels great, I can’t remember the last time I went swimming. I duck under to soak myself, then swim a few laps. I’ve always loved swimming and am pretty good at it. When I start to tire I come up for air, Adam is sitting on the side of the pool in tight green swimming trunks, watching me.
“You coming in?”
“Just watching you for a little while longer.”
I splash him. He laughs and drops into the water, swimming quickly over to me. He grabs me and kisses me, his legs wrapping around mine, pinning me against him, we float together. I’m just starting to melt into it when he lifts me up, his hands on my waist, and slams me back so I splash into the water. I swim up quickly spluttering and shake the water from my face, glaring at him as he laughs.
“Asshole,” I shout. “You’re so dead.”
I swim at him and he raises his hands to protect himself but I dive, going for his legs, he is caught completely by surprise as I grab his thighs and pull him under the water, then burst up to the surface and press his shoulders down, holding him under for a couple of seconds. He grabs my waist again and pulls me down, tickling me, we both come up for air, laughing and I splash him.
“I thought you were gonna rip off my shorts,” he laughs.
“Wishful thinking?”
“Fuck yes.”
I laugh and swim over to the deep end that is facing out to the water. I rest my elbows and forearms on the ledge. He joins me and we look out at the ocean together.
“Are you okay?” I ask him. He’s about to quip when he sees I’m serious.
“Sometimes it sucks being me,” he says.
“It’ll blow over though, right? You said it usually does after a few days.”
“Sure,” he says, but it’s not very convincing.
I need to cheer him up. “I brought my itinerary for the book tour, wanna compare schedules?” His eyes brighten and he nods. “But let’s sunbathe first,” I suggest. “I need a tan. You have plenty of sun lotion, right?”
He closes his eyes. “Don’t tease me, Jenna. I’m likely to unleash my inner beast and if you’re not careful, you’ll realise you like him so much you’ll never want to leave.”
I smile, push up and climb out of the water, mostly because he’s driving me crazy and I’m feeling more like an evil bitch for making him wait. He watches me and tips his head back, letting out a roar of frustration. I only get him to do my shoulders with sun lotion because I’m definitely being unfair. He goes to get my travel bag and his laptop and he pulls up the tour schedule while I bring out my diary.
“London,” I say. “I think I can work it so we’re there when you are doing the two shows.”
He nods, looking pleased. “London is always a good one. And because we have two shows we’re there for four days. Can you swing that?”
I bite my bottom lip, looking at the papers. “I’ll try but we’ve got a slightly lower budget than you guys and need to keep moving.”
“London for a couple of nights it is,” he kisses the top of my head. “I can’t wait for you to come to a show. Douche is still not invited.”
We swim some more, have lunch on the back deck watching the few people venturing out, and talk about anything and everything. He wants to teach me to surf, which I’m all for. We laugh a lot and he tells me he can forget what is going on with me here, which makes me happy.
His phone rang a few times but he keeps ignoring it. As the afternoon is waning and we come inside to watch a movie, his phone rings again and this time he answers.
“Hey,” he keeps stroking his fingers over the top of my head, where he has been playing with my hair for the last fifteen minutes. “Sounds like a great idea. Yeah I know. Okay, that’ll work, what time? See you later dude.” He hangs up. “So Arch has asked us to meet up for dinner tonight. Is that okay?”
I sit up. “Great, where are we going?”
“He’s gonna have some food at his place. You think this is big, you should see where Archer lives. He’s asked the rest of the guys and some other friends too. Will you be okay with that?”
I scrunch up my nose, if we’re in someone’s house, we’re safe. I smile. “Sounds great.”