Page 77 of Sky Full of Stars
She rolls her eyes. I get a text to let me know the car is here and walk her out. She shouts goodbye to the others. I see her to the car and she hugs me before getting in. I watch the car as it drives away. I hope she isn’t getting sick.
Chapter Twenty-Three
I still feel sick. All I can hear in my head are re-runs of what those women were saying. I was still in the stall when they came in, didn’t think anything of it until I heard them talking about Adam, well Aidan.
“He totally flipped out, he demanded they move her off his bus.”
“Over one woman?”
“Yeah but it was Erica James.”
“Ohhh, was that the one he dated for a while.”
“Dated? They were like the golden couple, Louise. You could barely separate them. I remember how jealous everyone was she snagged him. They lived together too.”
My stomach was in knots, I wanted to get up and walk out but I couldn’t. He lived with that woman? They were together? He lied to me. I asked him who she was and he never thought to mention they had been in a relationship? Why would he lie to me like that, then be so attentive to me? Was it because he didn’t want me to get suspicious?
“Well, he was way too angry so I’m fairly sure it meant something is gonna happen. I bet you anything they get together spending all that time on tour. You can’t be that mad and not have feelings for someone.”
“Lucky bitch.”
The two of them finished what they were doing and left. I couldn’t bring myself to get up. My stomach was in knots. I was stupid to think what we had could ever come to anything. I wasn’t a part of this world. And I wouldn’t be around him for the next six weeks. He’d be around her.
I managed to walk out of the bathroom with my head held high but when I saw him my heart hurt. I didn’t just care about this guy. I was totally falling for him. And I’m going to end up with a broken heart. As he talked to me, kissed me and made jokes about us being domesticated, all I could think about was him and her and being forgotten about once he left.
In the car on the way back to his house I remember I’ve not had chance to change my plane ticket yet. I’m still booked on my original flight. I can make something up, tell him I need to get back for work. I can’t bring myself to ask him why he lied. I don’t need any explanations from him. It will probably be best for both of us if this just ends.
The house feels so empty when I get back there. I miss my apartment, I miss my friends. I contemplate calling Brooke but she will only tell me to confront him and I don’t want to do that. All the fears I’ve had since the moment I found out who he is have come to the surface. I just need to get through today and tomorrow and I can go home.
I look at the things I bought to cook him dinner. I don’t want to play act anymore. I have a headache now, I’m tired, I don’t feel good, the last thing I want to do is cook. I search Erica James on my phone and her pictures fill the screen. I thought she was attractive when I saw her this morning but in these pictures she looks like a Goddess. She has long flowing auburn hair, legs that go on for miles and a beautifully sculpted face. As I scroll I see a picture of them together and my heart clutches. I click it and it goes to a website talking about the fairy tale relationship between the singer and his voice coach. I don’t know how I didn’t come across all this when I first searched for him.
I torture myself clicking through more stories, reading all about them, seeing pictures of them. When I come to one of them kissing, I shut down the search and slam my phone down. My anger is overriding the sadness. What a fucking idiot I am. Believing I can have him, believing I can compete with someone like her. Thinking back on when I arrived to meet him, they were stood together, he was smiling at her and the way she was looking at him. It didn’t matter if I believed I could trust Adam, I couldn’t trust her. I know what she feels when she looks at him because that is the way I look at him.
Upstairs, I go into the guest room I slept in the first night and lie down. When my eyes close, I think of last night, of what we did. And Keira’s words keep coming back to me. I desperately want for us to work but I don’t think we can. So I cry. Like a fool. I should be stronger than this, I’ve got myself through so much, I don’t need anyone else to define me, to prove my self-worth. My heart hurts, he didn’t tell me. He lied.
When I wake up it’s going dark and Adam is sitting on the bed, his hand on my back, looking worried. “Hey, how are you feeling?”
I lick my dry lips and look out of the window, seeing the sun lowering. “What time is it?”
“It’s almost seven, things ran over. I tried to call but you didn’t answer. Are you sick?”
“Sorry my phone was on silent. I have a migraine.”
“I nearly had someone come over to check on you.”
“I didn’t mean to worry you.”
“Don’t apologise, I wish you’d let me know, I would have come home.” He touches my face, brushing hair behind my ear. I close my eyes because I don’t want to see the look of concern on his face. “Do you need any tablets? Have you eaten?”
“I think I just need to lie here a little while longer.”
“Okay,” he leans down and kisses me. “Can you move to my room?” he asks quietly. “I want to be able to look after you.”
I nod. He helps me up and into his room. “Maybe a bath will help?” he suggests.
“Okay, thank you.”
About ten minutes later he comes back and helps me up. I walk into the bathroom to the huge sunken bathtub full of bubbles. I smile at him and he starts to undress. I raise my eyebrows.