Page 84 of Sky Full of Stars
She talks about her tour and home, and in the back of my mind there is a tickle of worry getting Jenna out of New York will be a major issue. What if I move to New York? I’m a musician, it doesn’t matter where I make music, it’s not like I have to be in LA to do it. I’d need to move everyone else to New York and I don’t think they’d want to. But I could spend my down time there, I don’t work all year.
“Wanna go out tonight?”
She looks up from the last bite of food on her fork. “Can we do that?”
I chuckle. “I can make arrangements.” She looks excited at the thought. “Get dressed up, we’ll go somewhere nice.”
“You’re sure it is safe?”
“I’ll look after you,” I promise.
“You’re gonna wear clothes though, right?” she looks me up and down. “Not that I’m complaining or anything.”
I pretend to look at a watch that isn’t on my wrist. “Well we’ve still got some time,” I slide my fingers up her thigh under the hem of her shirt. She widens her eyes then jumps off the stool and runs out of the kitchen. I stare after her in surprise. Then her head pops around the corner and she arches a come hither brow. I jump up and run after her and she squeals as I chase her up the stairs.
Chapter Twenty-Five
The car pulls up and Adam kisses me on the cheek saying he will see me there. The plan is for me and Elsa, the girl Nick is currently dating, to head to an exclusive restaurant together. Then the rest of them will join us. I didn’t get much chance to talk to Elsa the night of Arch’s gathering but she seemed nice enough and her smile is wide and genuine as I get into the car.
“That dress is beautiful.”
“Thank you,” I sat beside her. “I love your shoes.”
Elsa laughs. “Girly compliments out of the way. So, tell me about yourself. We’re gonna be alone for about an hour before they actually all show up and that is without any slips that they’re here. It’s not often the whole band get together and go out.”
“They meet up at each other’s houses all the time, but going out? I’m pretty surprised actually. Nick said it was Aidan’s idea, I’m guessing it’s to do with you.”
“I hope it doesn’t cause any trouble.”
“You’re sweet,” she smiles. “How did you meet Aidan?”
It’s still weird hearing people calling him Aidan. Adam is the only name I’d ever called him. I explained what happened the night we met. “When I eventually found him he was knuckle deep in some slut.” Elsa’s eyes widened. “Yeah,” I told her. She asked me what I did. “Called him a bastard and walked away but he kept following me, so I broke his nose.”
“Total badass,” she laughed. “Maybe you’re not so sweet after all.”
“I have my moments.”
“Where does Aidan come into it?”
“Oh I was upset and angry and I couldn’t find my way out of the club,” I laugh at the memory, it surprises me I find no anger anymore. I couldn’t care less about Lance. “He saw everything, pulled me into the VIP area and hid me from Lance. We got talking and when I eventually left, he gave me his number,” I skip over the whole debacle at the charity event. “Then he came to New York to see me.”
“And now you’re here and seeing him? I like that story. I’m glad that he’s with you,” she nods her approval.
We arrive at the restaurant and are shown in by an older gentleman in a suit. We go through the main restaurant and into a private room, there are other people at the tables here too but they are well spaced out. The lighting is dimmer than the main restaurant with candles on the tables. Elsa explains this is a sealed off area for celebrities or rich people. We are taken to a large table near the window.
“Don’t worry, it’s mirrored glass, no one can see in, all part of the price tag.” We sit down next to each other and a bottle of champagne in a bucket stand is brought over. “So, what is the status with you two now? He seemed pretty close to you at Arch’s, never really left your side or took his eyes off you.”
I blush at that. She nudges me, tells me not to get embarrassed. “I’ve known the guys for a few months now. Despite their Godly like status, they’re all really laid back. Aidan can be a little intense at times but I think it’s mainly because he is so focused on his music. It’s interesting seeing him with someone.”
I didn’t know what to say to that but luckily, a server arrived to pour us each a drink and Elsa raises her glass to me in a toast.
“To us normal hard-working chicks.” We clink glasses.
“What do you do?” I ask, sipping my drink. The bubbles go up my nose. It’s really good champagne.
“I’m a make-up artist and have owned my own company since I graduated college. I met Nick when I was working on one of the photo shoots. We flirted but I had no desire to become a notch on a rock stars bed post. He tried, but I kept knocking him back,” she laughed. “I could see he was wondering what the hell was wrong with me. Silly shit wouldn’t give up.”