Page 90 of Sky Full of Stars
“Come here,” he pulls me across the seat and wraps his arms around me. The soft kiss quickly turns hot, too hot for where we are and where I need to be if I don’t want to miss my plane. “Shit woman,” he breathes into my hair. “How am I gonna cope for three weeks without this mouth.”
“You’ll manage,” I tell him, then because I’m feeling a little naughty, I squeeze his dick through his jeans, which is hard as rock.
“Oh you did not just do that,” he grabs my neck and pulls me back in for another hot kiss. “Fuck… get out,” he says on a laugh. “I can’t, I need to… shit, get out before I make an ass of myself, or pull you down here to deal with this!”
I laugh and kiss him again. “I’ll call.”
He nods. I give him one last squeeze and reluctantly get out of the car. I grab my bag from the back and shut the door. It’s hard to see him through the tinted window so he lowers the passenger side and gives me a huge grin. How was I this far gone in such a short amount of time? A few weeks ago, I didn’t want anything to do with this random guy texting me, and now I’m barely holding it together, walking into the airport and away from him.
It's going to be a long three weeks but I am determined to enjoy them. My job is amazing right now and I am excited about what is coming, I can handle being separated from Adam, it will make our reunion that much more intense.
Chapter Twenty-Seven
The next three weeks go by in a blur which is good because I am losing my mind being away from Jenna. I hadn’t felt like this about a girl. Ever. Not even Erica, I have no problem admitting it. Archer thinks I’m completely insane, given I’d spent two years with and lived with Erica, versus the few months of not even seeing Jenna and a week in each other’s company. I don’t know how to explain it to him. He will never get it until he is in this position and Arch has no desire to ever find himself with one woman.
We still text all the time, it’s like our thing, even though we spoke on the phone a lot initially and she finally embraced Zoom, but has no intention of getting freaky on there, I’d bring her around to it eventually. Gearing up to head to Europe took up her time and she is working a lot but we still made time to catch up.
Saying goodbye to Jordan was hard. We’ve never been on a tour without him, or even separated in over ten years, so him not coming feels strange. We are worried about him and a couple of our other friends will keep him busy. He intends to fly out and meet us at some point.
We’ve just finished a show in Luxembourg, after stops in Lisbon, Madrid and Paris. In a couple of days we are flying over to the UK and I will see Jenna. We will do another two shows in the UK before heading back to Europe for five shows, then back in London for a festival, after that we will go home to a long, well-earned break. I am already exhausted and we aren’t even half-way through the tour. I am planning on spending my free time in New York and already have my assistant looking at apartments for me. I don’t think we’re in a place where I can move in with Jenna for the time I’m there but I want a place near where she lives. Money is no object, which helps because real estate in NYC is not cheap.
It hasn’t been as bad as I thought having Erica on tour, in fact I barely see her, unless we go out as a group for drinks after shows or when there is some downtime. Any sightseeing is usually just the three of us. Dex comes occasionally but he is a quiet guy, he has a wife and two kids at home and doesn’t care much about socialising. It also helps with the groupies. They are around, obviously, neither Arch nor Nick have foregone hooking up but it isn’t as bad as normal with Jordan bringing girls on the bus at every stop. There is also a bit more flying and hotels during this leg of the tour as a bus isn’t practical travelling to some of the different countries.
I’m not sure if Jenna wants me to mention the whole Nick debacle, she hasn’t asked but I brought up Elsa in a roundabout kind of way. Nick shrugged it off saying they had fun when we were home in LA. So they are on different pages. I can’t help but notice the look on his face when I brought her up though.
Jenna is in Italy, her tour only started a few days ago, it feels weird knowing we are on the same continent, travelling the world but are so far away from each other. She is having the time of her life and I am constantly ribbing her about staying away from ‘the douche’, but he has a girlfriend these days, and no interest in her. I highly doubt that but we agree to disagree.
We’re in a hotel tonight, so I say my goodbyes and head to my room for a long shower. The good thing about us both being in the same time zone is we don’t have to worry about waking or missing each other. Jenna will be tired, I’m beat myself but we are due a Zoom call and I won’t forego that for anything.
Her gorgeous face pops up on my screen a little while later, I lay back with the laptop on my stomach and smile at her. “Hey, beautiful.”
“Hey, how was the show? You look tired,” she says.
“I am,” I run a hand down my face. “I’d say I’m getting too old for this shit but I’m not even thirty yet,” I half laugh.
“We can do this tomorrow if you want?”
“Fuck that,” I tell her vehemently. “I’ve been looking forward to this all day. Why can I only see your shoulders? What are you wearing?”
She gives me a throaty laugh and her laptop moves, revealing her tight little body in a tank top and shorts. The hotel room looks tiny, nowhere near as luxurious as mine. They’re doing this book tour on a budget but Jenna said it doesn’t bother her where she sleeps, after a busy day she just wants to land in a bed. She has a lot more time for sightseeing, as well as all the work she is doing, ensuring things run smoothly with venues and everything Elle needs. She is constantly sending photographs of her in various different locations. I wish I was with her but I’m glad she’s having this experience.
We talk about what she saw today and how excited she is to go to Vatican City tomorrow. I tell her about the show, how we had a guy come up on stage and propose to his girlfriend. Which she absolutely loves.
“How is Ada doing?” I ask.
“Better I think, Iz says she’s really tired and spends most of her time in bed, but she is responding well to treatment, so it’s looking good.”
I change the subject not wanting her to dwell on things that upset her.
“Two more days,” I remind her.
“I can’t wait,” she smiles.
“I can’t wait to get my hands on you,” I say, lowering down onto the pillows, giving her a look that has her biting her lip. “Take your top off.”
She laughs. We haven’t done much more than tease each other via video call but I am determined to pop her cherry and I’m horny enough, despite being tired, to go for it right now. She surprises me by lowering the straps on her top and shimmying it lower. I sit up, like I can see what is out of the cameras view if I look down.
“I feel silly,” she says, her arms crossed and her hands on her shoulders.