Page 95 of Sky Full of Stars
“Hey,” Adam smiles at me, slowing a little.
“Hi,” I reply, gripping his hair in both hands.
“I didn’t mean to maul you,” he grins.
“Sure you didn’t,” I pull him back to me, kissing him. Now we’ve started, I need him to keep going. I push my hips against his and he gets the picture, giving me a wicked look as he growls, before upping the pace. I close my eyes and focus on the feel of him, the smell and taste, his arms around me, his breath against my neck, sliding in and out of me.
Then I’m tightening around him, breathless, my body feels like it’s skyrocketing into outer space as my eyes slam shut, stars burst around me and I come hard.
“That’s it baby, that’s it, yeah,” he grips my ass as he pumps up inside me, twice more before he comes too. Breathing hard, he pushes me against the door with his body as he flops forward. “Fuck.”
“I’d say so,” I say on a snort. He grins as he set me on my feet.
“Who’d have thought you in my old hoody could get me so hot.” He sweeps it off the floor with my t-shirt as I right myself in my bra. He zips up his pants while I put my clothes on, then he brushes my hair back behind my ear in a tender gesture, rubbing his thumb along my bottom lip, he stares at me, about to say something just as someone bangs loudly against the door and scares the shit out of me so much I practically jump into his arms.
“Aidan Gass, get your ass out here, we go on in five!” Followed by laughter and hooting.
“Get lost Archer,” Adam shouts back through the door. I bury my head in his chest, my face bright red. Adam laughs despite his angry shout, tipping up my chin he gives me a wink. “That was hot, beautiful. But we gotta go.”
I’m still trying to get my wits about me. “Wait,” I cry before he can open the door. I hurry to the mirror and look at myself. Hair, sex messy, face, flushed and so very obviously has that dazed, just fucked look. I try to smooth my hair.
Adam comes up behind me and kisses the crown of my head. “You won’t get away with it. Everyone knows what you just did, you dirty girl.”
“You’re an ass.”
“I know you don’t mean that,” he grins then takes my hand and opens the door.
I expect there to be a crowd, to have to walk through them with my head hung in shame but no one is paying attention. The only person who does give us a passing glance is the girl with Erica earlier, she looks past us, as if she hasn’t realised who we are. I guess they’re used to this kind of thing which deflated my mood a little.
“Hold on to me,” Adam says as we move through the crowds, he clutches my hand tightly.
I spot Elle and Kevin as we pass and wave at them so they follow. People are shouting to Adam and he answers with a tip of his chin or monosyllabic responses. The women who try to get his attention are ignored and that makes me preen a little. We draw near to where a group of sweaty guys are walking away from the entrance to the stage, Nick and Archer are up ahead slapping hands with them. The crowd are chanting out ‘BreakNeck’ loudly, wanting them to come on stage.
As we draw closer Adam stops and turns to me. “Stay here,” he says. “You’ll have a good view of the stage, and I’ll be able to see you,” he kisses my lips. Someone passes him a bottle of water. “You good?”
I nod, a little overwhelmed if I am being honest.
“Hey, Jenna,” Archer appears behind him, brow arched. “Having fun?”
I close my eyes and try not to hear him and Adam laugh knowingly. I nudge Adam in the arm indignantly but he just wraps it around my shoulders pulling me to him with a chuckle.
“Stone is just there,” he points out his bodyguard. “I’ve told him to stick with you, okay?”
“You didn’t need to do that. We’ll be fine.”
“Things can get hectic back here, I’d rather he looked out for you, okay?” he leans forward and kisses my forehead. “I’ll see you afterwards, enjoy the show.”
And then he’s gone, with Archer close behind. I watch a roadie hand Archer a guitar and they both slap Nick on the shoulder, Adam leans in to say something to him that has Nick nodding his head. Archer puts his hand around Nick’s shoulders Jordan’s replacement joins them waiting at the edge of the stage. Out in the arena, the crowd is being whipped into a frenzy by multiple video displays showing a montage of the band, clips from their music videos, brooding photo stills and scenes from a documentary they made a couple of years back, which I watched recently. Then a countdown starts and the lights dim.
“Hey,” Jordan appears beside me, wrapping an arm over my shoulder. “How are you honey?”
“Good,” my cheeks hurt from how much I’m smiling. Elle and Kevin stand behind us, Elle already dancing. “How are you doing?”
“Me? I’m aces, gorgeous,” he says with a grin but looks a little wistful as he watches his fellow band mates prepare to take the stage without him. “You need a drink?”
“I’m good thanks, Jordan.”
He tips an imaginary hat and saunters off. I watch him for a second but the countdown is nearing an end and the guys are all practically bouncing on their toes, waiting for their cue. Adam glances back at me, gives me a sexy wink and then they’re running on the stage and the crowd roar.