Page 13 of Touch in the Dark
“Listen,” I speak up. “Before we pick up the ladies, I just wanted to check in and see what everyone thinks about this world tour. Should we put it off a while? What do you all think?”
“Given I missed most of the last one, then I say hells no, although if you guys need to, I don’t care when we go,” Jordan says grabbing the vodka bottle after finishing his current shot.
“What about Alessa?” Adam asks him.
“She’ll be with us, of course.”
“In what sense?” I ask.
“They’ll support us.”
“I love how confident you sound,” I laugh. “Red Alert aren’t what the label class as an opening act, especially for a world tour.”
“I’ve already sent B a memo,” he waves a hand.
Adam snorts a laugh. “And what was her response?”
“She’s clearly thinking about it,” he says.
“Meaning she’s ignoring your ass.”
“Dude, that is not happening,” I don’t even try to let him down easy. “All I want to know is if we’re all on the same page about when to start,” I set my empty glass down in one of the cup holders. “I don’t know about the rest of you, but I’d like to have a normal Christmas. Not sure how many Christmases my grandma has left, I want to make the effort this year.”
“Absolutely,” Jordan nods. “I’ve been making plans with Mama Montanari for this year too.”
“What?” Adam looks at our drummer. “What plans? Why haven’t I been included in these plans?”
“Relax, Jenna hasn’t been included either,” Jordan waves his hand.
“You don’t think she should know what her mom is planning for the holidays?” Adam asks incredulously.
"Chill, we got it handled, it’ll be awesome.”
Adam pouts. I roll my eyes and give Arch another look, but he’s still staring out of the window. I kick his shin and he jumps, then glares at me.
“What the fuck was that for?”
“We’re having a band discussion and you’re watching the pretty lights of NYC out the window.”
Jordan laughs loudly. “I’ll have you all know that this year, Christmas is going to be a huge affair.”
“Shit, what are you and Sandy planning?” Adam sits up.
“Never you mind son-in-law, I’m the true son.”
“Don’t even engage,” I say to Adam before he can protest the fact Jordan is not his girlfriend’s mom’s actual son. “And can we go back to the topic at hand. Are we in agreement, any plans for a world tour happen in the New Year?”
“I also put this in the memo to B,” Jordan says with a wave of his hand.
“When exactly did you send this memo?”
“Round about the time you were getting yelled at to get the hell out of the shower, this guy,” he uses his thumb to point at Adam. “Was on the phone to my little sis. And you,” he points in Archer’s direction. “Were staring into space. What’s up with that anyway? You’re being weird. You’re never weird.”
“I’m not being weird,” Archer protests.
“Hmm, I call bullshit, you’ve been in your own head for weeks. What gives?”
We all turn to look at Archer. He glances between all three of us and shakes his head. “I don’t know what you’re talking about, I’m fine,” his eyes land on me.