Page 30 of Touch in the Dark
“A favour,” he glances up as one of the producers exits the building. He looks us over, gives us a nod then heads for a car. “Being around these kinds of guys, you know, the kind with huge egos who think its fine to yell at people who are helping them, that just pisses me off.”
“It goes with the territory, and I was in the wrong, to be fair.”
“You shouldn’t have to be afraid you’ll get into trouble for making a little noise.”
I shrug. “Working in the industry I’m in, you have to learn the rules of every job. At a fashion show, it’s like everything moves a mile a minute, there is no slowing down and its sometimes deafening. At my studio back home, it’s nice and relaxed, I can talk with clients. On a movie set,” I heave out a sigh. “It gets kinda boring to be honest.”
“See, you’re not so different to me then.”
“How so?”
“This wouldn’t be your preferred place of work.”
“I didn’t say that,” I give him a sideways look.
“You kinda did,” he nudges me. “So, you need to call your ride?”
“Already done,” I tap my phone against my thigh. “Do you have a ride?” I ask.
“You offering?”
I shake my head with a smile. “You’re trouble Joel.”
“I can be,” he gives me another wink. “And I think I might just hang around a little while longer.”
“I thought you were just filling in.”
He tilts his head and gives me a cryptic look. “I have an in with the director.”
My nose scrunches up at the thought of that guy. Joel laughs again. “The place I’m crashing is just around the corner so I’m good. He takes a couple of steps backwards. “See you in a couple of days?”
“Well, I know I’ll be there, not so sure you will.”
“Trust me, I can talk my way onto the job.”
“Something tells me the ass in charge isn’t that much of a pushover.”
“Leave him to me,” he winks again. “But just in case,” he takes something from his pocket and hands it to me. It’s a business card. He waves at Reggie then walks away.
I keep watching him until he reaches the corner. When he turns back and sees me looking, he gives me a salute and ducks his head on a laugh then disappears.
“Fuck me,” Reggie whispers beside me.
“Reggie!” She never swears.
“Girl,” she fans herself.
“Stop it,” I shove her, but she just laughs at me.
“He is so into you. Did he give you his number?” she looks down at the card.
“He won’t even be here when we come back. He said he is supposed to go shoot a show in Florida and he hates this kind of work.”
“I also heard him say he’s gonna get back on set,” she puts a hand on her hip.
“He hopes. The dick of a director won’t have him.”
“Well, I think you should go for it, if you do see him again,” she grabs her bag and points as Remi’s driver pulls up.