Page 34 of Touch in the Dark
“So, Hawaii?” I look over as he tidies up the papers strewn around. “That should be fun.”
“Yeah, but it’s not just about us, it’s about getting her away from work. She needs a break.”
“I was surprised you managed to convince her to leave Izzy.”
He blows out a heavy breath and comes to sit on the seat opposite me. “Yeah, I know. It took a lot and I even had to get Izzy to tell her to go. When I spoke to her, Izzy,” he clarifies. “She let slip she’s planning on pulling back from work. She wants to enjoy her time with Ada while she’s still here.”
“They think it’s that bad?”
“Her doctors confirmed it, she’s terminal. The treatment isn’t working. Jenna is so upset, it’s why we had to work so hard to get her to leave for a few days. I don’t want her to begrudge them going away, seeing the things they want to see before it happens. I can’t even fucking imagine what they’re going through. But if it’s going to affect Jenna, I want to make sure she does this before she takes it on. I know what she’s like, Nick. She will work herself into the ground to make sure nothing goes wrong for Iz.”
“She’s good at her job, Ad, she’s sensible, she’s not a workaholic.” I lean back, Adam is staring at the floor. I feel bad for Jenna’s boss, even though I’ve never met her, or her wife. I can relate to what they’re going through. “Do they have kids?” I ask.
Adam looks up at me, he’s quiet for a moment, watching me intently. “No, no kids.”
I nod. My mind goes back to what I was thinking about earlier. It isn’t something I talk about. The guys all know I’ve never had a dad. Hearing about Izzy planning to live the best way they can, before she loses her wife just brings it to the forefront. Where was he when mom got sick, when she was dying? Why didn’t he want to be there for her?
“What’s going on?” Adam breaks into my thoughts.
“Nothing,” I smile and get up.
“You sure?” he asks again, looking up at me, probably thinking it’s about my mom and the memories this is bringing back. In a way it is, just not how he thinks.
“I’m good dude, it’s just sad hearing about it. No one should have to go through that, you know?” Adam nods. “Come on, a break will help, give the creativity chance to start up again. Nash and Dylan are over. I’ve just ordered pizza too,” I glance around and see two cups of unfinished coffee and a huge glass of orange juice. “Leave it, a few hours won’t hurt.”
Adam is a perfectionist, always has been. He hates leaving stuff unfinished. I’m not telling him to abandon it, just take a break. Eventually he agrees and tidies shit up, then goes to change while I wait. I pick up some of the papers and read through the lyrics he’s got down. They’re good. Not exactly Dirty Crew’s style though. He returns and snatches the paper from me, glancing at it, then tucking it away in a folder. I know better than to push that button, so we head out.
There is rowdy laughter coming from Jordan’s place as we go in, which only gets louder when Jordan sees I’ve managed to drag Adam over.
We spend a couple of hours playing, eating junk food and drinking German beer. Jordan even breaks out some cigars that Adam, Nash and I decline but Dylan is all in, puffing away with a huge grin on his face as he wins the latest and biggest pot of cash. There is a least a couple of thousand dollars in that pile.
“Let’s go out,” he says. “Drinks on me!”
“Calm down, Phil Ivey,” Nash tells him, referring to one of the world’s best poker players. “Maybe you wanna hang on to that cash.”
“We can’t all be worried about rainy days,” Dylan tells him, getting to his feet. “Live a little.”
He lurches and knocks into the table making the drinks wobble, luckily none fall over. Jordan snickers as Nash grabs his brother’s arm. “I think there is only one place you’re going pal, and it isn’t out,” he gives us a look and we all agree, best to stay home tonight. Dylan pouts but he lets Nash gather up his winnings, their belongings and they head out.
“I didn’t think he drank that much,” Adam frowns after Jordan returns from seeing him out.
“It’s the cigars,” Jordan drops onto the chair. “Think they just made him woozy, went to his head. Hey, did you know Arch went to Disneyland and didn’t even ask me to tag along?”
Adam bursts out laughing. “Disneyland? Really?”
I’m surprised he didn’t tell him, but it happened last minute and if Adam has been locked up in his studio, Archer wouldn’t have been able to get hold of him. I explain why he’s gone there and who with. The guys both agree it’s a nice idea for him.
“What about you? What are you gonna do?” Jordan asks me as I settle back with another beer. “I mean, Arch is off getting his fun on with Minnie Mouse, this guy is sweeping my sis to a tropical island, you better treat her like a queen by the way,” he points, and Adam rolls his eyes. “I’m up to my ears in getting those guys ship shape. Where is Nicholas at?”
I shrug. “I’m good, spending time with Doris, catching up on some stuff. So, what’s the plan for Christmas, you gonna let us in on this mystery event yet?”
“Nope, and quit changing the subject.”
“What subject?” I ask.
“Of how you’re keeping occupied while we’re off.”
“What does it matter?” I laugh but Jordan doesn’t. “Seriously, you don’t need to worry about me man, I’m absolutely fine. Arch and I are taking a road trip after Christmas. I’ve gotta spend some time planning that out before he gets back.”