Page 48 of Touch in the Dark
“When was the last time you went to a movie?”
“Irrelevant. I stand by you in solidarity.”
“Much appreciated my friend,” I tap her glass this time.
She tells me about a case she is working on as we get a second drink. Well, not so much the case but the asshole prosecutor she is dealing with. She calls him the bane of her existence and then gets pissed at herself for talking about him and turns the topic to Jenna, who is currently in Hawaii with Adam.
“Do you think they’ll get married over there?”
“They better damn well not. Not without telling us!” Brooke’s eyes widen comically. “Jenna would never do anything that stupid.”
I burst out laughing. Brooke is the medicine I needed, she’s taken my mind away from all the shit from earlier. I am bummed. I don’t like the feeling, even though I know it isn’t my fault. It stings more because I am really good at my job. The fact they can throw me away so easily when I’ve done nothing wrong, doesn’t sit right with me. Maybe movies aren’t the way to go for me. I’m not sure I want to be around toxic people like that.
“So, what is the situation with Joel? I can’t believe he quit too. He’s a keeper. For a few months at least. Tell me again why you guys aren’t in bed right now? You both walked off the set at the same time?” She eyes me when I don’t say anything. “God, Elsa, what am I gonna do with you? You’re as bad as Jenna. You’ve had so many bad dates the past few weeks, it’s short circuited your brain. You can’t think straight enough to walk off that set and into his bed?”
I actually hadn’t thought of that. He hadn’t offered either to be fair.
“I don’t know… I like Joel, I do, but he’s leaving at the weekend.”
“God, have you people learned nothing from me? You don’t want longevity. You made this deal with Remi and you’re going to break his poor gay heart if he has to have sex with you.”
I put a hand over my face to hide. God, she’s right. I’m not sure what is wrong with me. I genuinely thought Joel was going to be the guy who broke the dry spell. He still could. If I go to the party on Friday, but that is not till the end of the week. I don’t make the mistake of saying that to Brooke though.
“That isn’t going to happen.”
“I’m tempted to make a bet on this myself. And let me tell you, Remi isn’t going to be happy with the way I’m leaning.”
“I can do this, I’ll meet someone and prove him wrong.”
“Chase,” Brook holds up a finger. “Joel,” a second finger. “How many hotties do you need thrown at you before you realise there is something seriously fritzing in your noggin?”
“Look, it’s not that simple,” I start to say.
“It’s sex,” Brooke tells me matter of factly. “You don’t need to be promiscuous, or have meaningless sex, although it would make this easier,” she adds under her breath. “You need to break the seal.”
“I’m not a virgin,” I laugh.
“Might as well be. Doesn’t it grow back from lack of use.”
“I thought you were an intelligent, educated woman.”
Brooke grins. “I’m someone who can’t understand how you can go almost two years without being fucked.”
I roll my eyes up to the ceiling. “I’m seeing Joel Friday.”
Her smile widens. “Then my challenge, should you choose to accept it. Which you will because refusal isn’t an option. Is to get under him, over him or back to front with him, whatever floats your boat.”
I lean back and think about it. I’d been all for taking things further with Joel before, what’s changed? It isn’t his fault I got fired. It was because of him, but not his fault. That won’t stand between us. He’s made no secret about wanting to hook up, but he’s been gentlemanly about it. Brooke is right, I'm a loser. Okay, I make up my mind. I'll go out with him Friday, we'll have sex, Remi is free of the deal, I’ll find another job and everything will be fantastic.
“Although, Remi is extremely hot. Maybe you should hold out.” Brooke breaks me out of my thoughts.
“Brooke! I would never expect him to do that. Oh God, can you imagine how awful it will be.”
“For him? Yes.”
“Thanks,” I deadpan.
“Well, he likes dick, Elsa. Unless you’re gonna strap one on,” she finishes her drink with a smirk as a couple of guys at the table next to us look over. “He is going to have to take a Viagra and get really drunk to fuck you.”