Page 7 of Touch in the Dark
I’ve been fortunate enough to know him from the start, working on the TV show way back when. We’ve become great friends and as his fame increases, he managed to get me as his preferred makeup artist on a couple of his movie sets. I’ve worked alongside some of my heroes on this latest movie. He’ll never let me say it, but he’s catapulted my career too. I am already in talks to work on another movie being filmed here in New York, production due to start soon.
“Rem, this is one of my favourite people, Jenna Montanari.”
Jenna gets to her feet and reaches out to shake hands, but Remi pulls her into a hug. He catches the sparkle of her ring as she steps back and grabs her hand. “Now that is what I call a rock.”
Jenna blushes. She is dating, sorry, engaged to one of the most famous and attractive men on the planet, yet she still blushes over something so trivial. I get up and put my arm around her.
“What do you expect from Aidan Gass?” I say with a shrug.
I’ve told him all about Jenna already, which is when it came out BreakNeck would be coming to the party tonight. One of their songs featured on the soundtrack to the movie. The one Adam wrote about Jenna when they first met, to be exact. Which is why it shouldn’t come as such a shock to me knowing they’ll be coming.
“So,” Remi bent over and grabbed a chocolate, popping it whole into his mouth. “You ladies have plans while Els is here?”
“So many plans,” Jenna gushes.
“Well, I hope they include getting her laid.”
“Hey!” I shout but he just laughs back at me. “I do not need any help in that department, thank you very much.”
“Yeah, right,” his face shows his skepticism. The asshole.
“Well, I’m sure Elsa is perfectly capable of finding herself that kind of fun. And if she isn’t, Brooke is always on the hunt for a good time,” Jenna links her arm with mine.
“I like the sound of this Brooke,” Remi grabs the sides of his towel and pulls them taut across the back of his neck. “Is she coming tonight?”
“Yep,” Jenna informs him.
“Excellent. And forgive me if I’m speaking out of turn,” Remi gives me a sly look and I already know what he is going to say. “I’m going to assume as her girl squad, you’re all going to make sure she doesn’t do anything stupid with a certain, you know who.”
“Dammit Remi. I don’t need anyone preventing me from doing anything stupid. Besides, I’m over that,” I unhook my arm from Jenna and walk over to the bar in the corner. It might only be eleven AM but when there is a bar so well stocked at your disposal, it is rude not to take advantage.
“So over it,” he mutters behind me.
“You’re supposed to be on my side,” I whirl around putting my hands on my hips.
“I am. I have a plan.”
“Don’t you dare do anything stupid,” I waggle my finger at him.
Jenna stands beside him looking amused by the whole thing. She is a whole lot closer to Nick these days. Their friendship bloomed a lot towards the end of the band’s last tour. Though she never pushes me on discussing the whole debacle. She stood by me in solidarity because she’s been in the same position I found myself in. Watching the ass who is supposed to be with you, with another woman.
“I mean it Remi, I just want to enjoy the party without any drama. It’s been over a year since all of that,” I wave my hand, like I’m brushing away the whole affair. “I’ve moved on.”
He doesn’t say anything, but he does have a weird look on his face.
“I will never speak to you again if you embarrass me.”
Remi rolls his eyes. “Jenna, it’s lovely to meet you, why don’t you see what you can do to loosen her up a little.”
“I’m loose,” I pout.
Remi’s left brow arches up. I hate when he does that.
“Come on,” Jenna takes pity on me. “I have Adam’s credit card. He told me to get a new dress and shoes, but I have enough of that crap, let’s go to McAllister’s instead.” When Remi looks confused, she smiles. “My friend’s bar.”
“You are not going to be a good influence, are you?” he laughs.
“Not in the slightest.”