Page 82 of Touch in the Dark
“I may need a Janie in my life.”
“Find your own, she’s mine.”
He laughs but winces too. “When did it get so hard to recover from a night of debauchery?”
“Snuck up on us, man.”
“Yeah. So, it’ll be a couple of days before we find out anything. What’s the plan?” he asks.
“Immediate? Brunch with Jenna and the girls.”
“She brought Meg and Brooke with her too, I thought I told you that.”
“You might have,” Archer lifts his glasses, and wipes his eyes then lets them drop. “Sounds like fun to me,” he grins. “Brooke’s cool.”
I eye him but he sips his coffee and looks out at the swimming pool. I don’t bother pushing that. Neither Archer nor Brooke are looking for relationships. In fact, Adam told me she’s hooking up with Ciro on a regular basis. I don’t know if Arch is aware, but I’m keeping that shit to myself.
We shoot the shit for a while. Adam calls Archer and he puts it on speaker as he complains about us all being out here with his fiancé, while he’s stuck in New York.
“No one said you couldn’t come along,” Arch drawls.
“Jenna will have my balls if I show up,” he grunts. “Besides, I have got a lot done. She’s too much of a distraction.”
“You guys make me sick,” Archer groans. “Anyway, we gotta motor, we have a date with your fiancé.” Before Adam can say anything, Archer hangs up with a laugh.
“He’ll kill you for that.”
“How soon do you think he’ll be here?”
“I’m gonna say tomorrow morning.”
“Nah, tonight. Usual bet?”
We shake on it. Whoever is right will owe the other fifty bucks. Both of us know Adam will be heading out here, whether Jenna will kick his ass or not. And I’m sure Jenna knows he will too. Those two are kind of sickening, but in a good way. My phone beeps and I look at it thinking it will be Adam but it’s Jenna.
Jenna: Brunch is in an hour at Perch. It’s downtown, on Hill Street and Fifth
Nick: I know, you’ve told me three times already
Jenna: Just making sure you guys are alive. I know you went out last night
Nick: It’s all good. We’ll be there. Fresh as daisies
Jenna: This is important Nick! We have work to do! It’s operation Nilsa
I frown at my phone. What the hell? She is amalgamating our names to make some stupid couple word? Jesus, Nilsa? I shake my head and chuckle. Arch lifts a brow.
“Jenna, she’s trying to come up with one of those cute couple nicknames for me and Elsa. Nilsa,” I pull a face. Arch tilts his head, like he might like that. I swear at him.
Jenna: Elsick?
Jenna: Ew, wait, that sounds like an illness
Nick: Are you drunk?
Jenna: Quite possibly. Anyway. Brunch. Get your butt moving