Page 86 of Dangerous Vows
I don’t bother worrying about my dignity, or give him a chance to enjoy getting to take it away. I tilt my head so it can pour into my mouth, and I’m so happy for a drink that I don’t notice it’s warm and stale at first. I don’t even care—I didn’t really expect water at all, let alone anything cold and fresh.
As I’m drinking, I let my gaze flick over him. I try to make it seem like there’s some desire in it, like maybe I’m struggling with how I feel about him, so he won’t realize that I’m trying to figure out if there’s any way that I can escape this. I don’t think he just came down here to give me water. He’ll want something else—payment for the small kindness or simply because he can. There’s no love in the way he looks at me now, and seeing him like this, tallying up the moments when I questioned it before—since I told him about Theo—I have to wonder if he ever really did.
I can’t believe that someone who loved me ever, at any point, would do something likethisto me. Even as awful as Theo’s punishment was, it wasn’tthis.
My gaze skates over Adrik’s abs, down to his hips—and that’s when I see it.
He has a knife on his hip, shoved into a slim holster attached to the nylon belt threaded through his cargo pants. I blink, startled—I’ve never seen him wear it before, and he catches where my gaze drifted to, a smirk curling his lips.
“Are you wondering what I brought that down here for?” He takes the glass of water away before I can sip any more from it, setting it aside still half full, and I can’t stop the way I press my tongue to the roof of my mouth, sucking away any last moisture. The few gulps I got weren’t enough.
I look at him mutely, refusing to answer. The smirk stays there as he slips the knife free, a dark-colored blade with a serrated edge and a black handle. He trails the sharp side of it over his finger, looking at me as the smirk turns to a grin.
“I could have stripped you any number of ways,” he says slowly, turning the point of the knife against the tip of his finger. “I could have just cut it all off quickly with a pair of scissors. Hell, I don’t evenhaveto strip you, I could just lift your dress and pull your panties down, and have you like that. But I think this is more fun.”
I shudder as he steps closer, the point of the knife resting against my chest in the narrow v of the loose neckline. “It looks like a sack, anyway,” he says contemptuously, looking down over the shift dress I’d just thrown on before I went downstairs earlier. “I’m surprised I could get it up earlier, looking at you in this.”
And then he grabs a fistful of the fabric in his hand, and starts to drag the blade downwards.
It’s sharp, terrifyingly so. The fabric parts smoothly the moment it glides against it, cutting the dress down the middle. Adrik slices through the bottom of the hem with a flourish and lets it hang open, the dress falling to either side to reveal my bare breasts—I hadn’t bothered with a bra earlier—and the black cotton panties clinging to my hips.
“Mm.” He lets out a low, satisfied sound deep in his throat as his gaze trails down over me. When he reaches out, pressing the point of the knife against my nipple, I flinch, and Adrik chuckles.
“So frightened. Do you think I’ll hurt you? I haven’t decided yet, actually. How much, that is. How much do I want to punish you? How many times do I want to fuck you before it’s enough, and I’ll just finish you off? Will it be fast or slow?” He circles my nipple with the knifepoint. “I can’t make up my mind. But we’ll just see how it goes.”
A cold chill goes down my spine, a lump of fear sticking in my throat as he pulls the knife away, pressing the point to the soft flesh of my arm now as he drags it down to the edge of the sleeve. He cuts slower with those, sliding the knife through the fabric bit by bit, until the dress is hanging off of me in tatters, and then he cuts the last snippet on the other side, and it falls away, leaving me in nothing but my panties.
I tried to keep quiet, not to gasp or squirm, but when he presses the knifepoint to my abdomen, I sink my teeth into my lip to fight back the whimper of fear. I see his smile widen, realizing just how much he’s enjoying this, and my stomach flips over with nausea as he starts to cut through my panties.
“Will you be wet, when I get these off?” he murmurs, and I realize to my relief that I’mnot.
When Theo punished me, it turned me on despite myself. I don’t have the capacity to try to figure out what that means—why Theo punishing me and hurting me aroused me while Adrik only leaves me terrified, but I imagine it has something to do with the way the two men have gone about it.
Certainly, the choice of location hasn’t helped Adrik out at all.
Adrik draws the knife down, slipping it between the outer folds of my pussy as he slices away the fabric of my panties, and I choke back a cry of terror in a mouth gone dry all over again. My heart is pounding, my senses all coiled tight with fear, and when Adrik presses the point of the knife against my clit I let out a shuddering, terrified sob.
“Mm. You like that?” he murmurs, misinterpreting the sound, and I shake my head wildly, staring up at him in mute, frozen horror. It’s not a lie—Idon’tlike it, I’m not turned on by this at all, and I swallow hard, my throat dry and scratchy as he cuts away the rest of the material and lets them fall to the floor.
When he sheathes the knife and slips his fingers between my legs, he lets out a growl of displeasure.
“Suka!” he snarls, his other hand knotting in my hair again as he pushes his fingers roughly into my clenched, dry pussy. “You can’t get wet for me, hm? You were so sloppy it was embarrassing for thatsvolochwho fucked you in front of me, screaming and coming and dripping all over the goddamn floor, but for me—”
Tears well in my eyes as he spins me around, the chains twisting roughly around my back as he presses my face to the damp brick wall, his hand tight in my hair. His other hand fumbles with his zipper, and I hear it drag down the moment before I feel the hot nudge of his cock against my ass—and I have a sudden, insane thought.
My hands are behind my back. He’s right there, so close. If I could twist—if I could get the knife—
It’s a long shot. If I slip, if I falter, if I don’t manage to drive the knife where it will do the most good—I’ll only get one chance at it. If I don’t succeed, my fate will be so much worse.
But if I don’t try—
He’s already said he’s going to kill me. It’s just a matter of how many times he wants to fuck me before then, how many times he violates me, humiliates me, and whether he decides to do it fast or slow. I might as well try.
All I have to lose is the possibility of a quick death. And what I have to gain—
Fear twists in my gut, cold as ice, and my fingers tremble. Adrik doesn’t notice—or if he does, he takes it for what it is…sheer terror.
I don’t know if I can do this. I feel his cock nudge between my thighs, feel his mouth against my shoulder, teeth grazing against flesh, and I consider holding out. Waiting to see if Theo and Nikolai find me. But I might not get this chance again. And if they don’t—or if it’s too late—