Page 35 of His Long-Lost Baby
I shake my head, trying to clear it. “So, Hawaii it is. A few days should be enough to get packed and ready, right?”
Billie nods, still looking away. “Sure thing, boss. Although, I’ll leave Quinn behind.”
“I meant what I said. She can come. I’ll pay for a nanny and—”
“No, no. It’s okay.” She gets busy setting her computer up for the morning. “She has school, plus she gets anxious on planes.”
She’s still not looking at me, and I get the impression that she’s not telling me the full story.
But who am I to call her out on it? What she does with her daughter isn’t my business anyway.
…Even though I’m intensely curious.
What is Billie like as a mom? Who is the girl’s father?
Billie doesn’t wear a wedding ring, but that doesn’t mean the two of them aren’t together.
The thought makes jealousy burn through me. I can’t have her, but I also don’t like the thought of any other man having such a privilege.
Attempting to distract myself, I turn my mind back to the conversation. “We’ll have to bring Quinn a present from Hawaii. What kind of things does she like?”
Again, Billie hesitates. She probably still thinks I’m not being genuine.
“She likes stuffed animals and books,” she finally answers, still focused on her computer.
“Stuffed animals and books it is,” I say, making a mental note. “And what about you? Any particular requests for the trip?”
Billie looks up at me, her eyes narrowing. “What are you trying to do? Bribe me with gifts?”
I hold up my hands in surrender. “No, no. Just trying to make it an enjoyable trip for you as well. We’ll be working hard at the conference, but there will be downtime too. I want you to have a good time.”
She doesn’t say anything for a few moments, then nods. “Okay. Well, I’ve never been to Hawaii before, so I guess just… enjoy the scenery?”
I grin. “Oh, we will. We can absolutely make time to explore together.” The words come out before I even realize what I’m saying.
Billie arches an eyebrow. “Is that right?” she says, a hint of amusement in her voice. “You plan on working me to the bone and then whisking me away for a romantic getaway?”
I feel my face flush, realizing how it sounds. “No, no, that’s not what I meant. I just meant—”
But Billie cuts me off with a laugh. “Relax, I’m just teasing you. It sounds like it’ll be a fun trip.”
I let out a breath I didn’t even know I was holding. “Good, I’m glad. It’ll be nice to have someone to explore with.”
Billie nods, and we get back to work. But my mind can’t stop spinning with thoughts of her and the upcoming trip. I can’t wait to see what adventures Hawaii will bring. Nothing romantic can happen between the two of us, but that doesn’t mean we can’t cut loose and have a good time together.
A good, appropriate time.
An appropriate, amazing time.
Grinning to myself, I turn away from her.
“What about this one?” From my dresser drawer, Monica pulls out a bikini that still has the tags on it.
Even looking at it makes me blush. Red with white tassels, it’s about as tiny as bikinis can be.