Page 65 of His Long-Lost Baby
I take a deep breath, trying to calm myself down. “My leaving the company doesn’t have anything to do with that. I’ve just seen that it wasn’t a good match.”
David studies me for a moment before nodding. “Okay. Whatever you say, Billie. Just remember that we’re here for you, no matter what.”
I give him a small smile, grateful for his support. “Thanks, David. I really appreciate it.”
As I grab my last box and head out of the office, I can’t help but feel a sense of relief. I’m leaving behind the memories of James and all the pain he’s caused me.
But at the same time, my heart aches with the knowledge that I’m also leaving behind a part of myself. A part that I had found in him.
As I step outside, the warm sunshine envelopes me, and I know that it’s time for a fresh start. I take a deep breath, inhaling the salty ocean breeze as it ruffles my hair.
I close my eyes for a moment, savoring the sensation, before heading towards my car parked on the curb.
As I drive away from the office, I can’t help but think about what my future holds. I’m back to working for myself. Back to the single mom life.
It hurts like hell, thinking about what could have been between me and James. But it’s okay. Obviously it wasn’t meant to be.
And who knows, maybe somewhere along the way, I’ll find someone who truly appreciates me for who I am. Someone who won’t break my heart.
But for now, I’m content with my little home with just myself and my daughter.
I park outside mine and Monica’s office, and as I climb the stairs to the old building’s second floor, I hear Quinn running around.
I open the door to our shared office space, greeted by the sound of Quinn’s laughter and Monica’s voice. They’re both sitting on the floor, surrounded by crumpled paper and markers.
“Mommy!” Quinn exclaims, running over to me and wrapping her arms around my legs. “Did you bring me a treat?”
I chuckle and shake my head. “Sorry, kiddo. No treats today.”
“That’s okay. I like that you’re back early.” She takes my hand and smiles up at me, and there’s a pang in my chest.
She looks so much like James.
I haven’t seen him since Hawaii, and we haven’t exchanged so much as one text. Even when I went back to our shared room to grab my things, he wasn’t there.
So this is it. I’ll likely never see him again. Quinn will never meet her father.
The emotions crashing through me are powerful and conflicting. There’s a strong possibility that if Quinn weren’t in the room I would sit on the floor and bawl.
Monica stands up and gives me a warm smile. “How was the last day at work?”
“It was good,” I say, putting down my box and taking a seat on the floor next to Quinn. “A bit sad, but it’s time for a change.”
Monica nods in understanding. “Well, I have some good news.”
Quinn plops onto my lap, and I have to lean around her head to get a look at Monica. “What?”
“Remember the client I was telling you about? The one who wanted a complete rebrand and website redesign along with the tutorial videos for the site?”
I frown, racking my brain. “Yeah, but wasn’t that months ago?”
“Yes, but they got back to me just yesterday.” Monica’s grin widens. “They loved our proposal and they want to move forward with us! We get to work together!”
My heart lifts at the news. “That’s amazing, Mon!”
Quinn claps her hands and giggles. “Yay, Mommy and Auntie Mon!”
Monica’s excitement is palpable as she starts to go over the details of the project. I listen intently, feeling hopeful about our future. Maybe with this new project, we can really make a name for ourselves in the design world. Maybe it’s the fresh start I need.