Page 67 of His Long-Lost Baby
“I don’t know,” I admit. “I mean, I thought Hawaii would be the end of all this. And now Quinn’s asking about him.”
“What are you going to tell her?” Monica asks, her voice soft and concerned.
“I don’t know,” I repeat. “I’ve always told her the truth about being adopted, but I never thought she’d ask about her birth father. At least… not this soon.”
“And James didn’t say anything about wanting to meet her?”
“No.” I lean against the wall.
Monica gives my arm a squeeze. “That’s probably for the best. This situation is really complicated, and a six-year-old wouldn’t be able to process it.”
I nod. “I just wish it didn’t have to be so complicated. I wish Quinn could have a happy, normal family.”
Monica’s eyes soften. “She does have a happy family. And a normal one, too. It just looks a little different than some others.”
I let out a small sigh. “Thanks, Mon. I guess I’m just feeling a little overwhelmed.”
“You’re doing great,” Monica says, giving me a reassuring smile. “And Quinn is lucky to have you.”
I smile gratefully at her, feeling a sense of comfort knowing that she’s on my side.
As we make our way back into the office, Quinn looks up and grins. “Look, Mommy! I made a slime monster!”
I kneel down to look at her creation and can’t help but smile. Quinn has always had a vivid imagination.
“That’s amazing, Quinn!” I say with genuine enthusiasm. “You’re so creative, baby.”
Quinn beams under the praise, and Monica claps her hands. “That’s so cool! Can I touch it?”
Quinn nods eagerly, and Monica reaches out to poke the slime monster.
Quinn giggles excitedly, and the next thing I know I’m smiling.
Would it be great if Quinn had two parents? Absolutely. Just like it would be great if I had a partner to weather each day with, to enjoy the highs with, and to cry through the lows with.
And it would be doubly great if that person were James.
I can’t help it. He still takes up residence in my heart, and there’s probably a part of me that will always mourn losing him. I didn’t expect to fall for him, and I certainly didn’t expect to fall harder than I ever have before in my life.
Losing him is real. It’s brutal. Sharp and unforgiving.
But there’s no point in focusing on what we don’t have. Our life is abundant. We’re happy.
And in my mind, that’s more than good enough.
Pushing myself harder, I sprint the last few yards to my front door and collapse on the porch steps. It’s sunset, and though it’s rush hour it’s quiet up here in my neighborhood.
Grabbing my water bottle, I take a sip and then towel my face off. I don’t usually spend nights at my Olympus City house — typically I stay in the penthouse a few blocks from GarrisTech — but coming back from Hawaii I felt like I needed a change of pace.
Exhausted from the run, I lean against the steps and watch the orange sky deepen into purple.
Inevitably, my thoughts turn to her.
To them.