Page 123 of Leave Me Broken
I lift my head just enough to glare at the girls. They don’t care and their shit-eating grins stretch even more. “That we are better than the Olympians.”
“Huh.” Payson taps her chin obnoxiously. “How about that?”
“Shut up.” My voice is breathless.
But they don’t. The three of them hook arms and jump around singing, “We’re better than the Olympians” repeatedly.
“I want a rematch.” I stretch to my full height, ignoring how my newly worked muscles ache already. “But I want Payson on my team this time.”
After some back-and-forth with Janelle she reluctantly agrees. Ronni sits this game out with little argument from her friends. I look over my shoulder, watching Payson adjust her blue brace and can’t help but smile. She has two good friends on her side. I’m glad for that.
Watching Payson play volleyball is mesmerizing; playing next to her is a completely different kind of experience. I prefer watching because I don’t need to remove my eyes from her once, but celebrating a good play is nice too. I haven’t gone as far as slapping her ass—as much as I want to—her smile and high-tens will do, for now.
“Luca, you suck,” Janelle groans.
I walk over and pull Payson into my arms. She’s stiff but I hold her anyway. A normal hug. A hug anyone would give anyone. It’s not sexual, besides my dick stiffening because her fucking breasts are pushing into my stomach.
She pushes away first, avoids my eyes and ducks under the net to get her water. I watch after her, confusion, disappointment, and frustration all weighing on me. We won and she hardly seems excited.
I’m not used to Payson pushing me away. She’s never tried to hide us before, it’s only her friend. If they are really friends, why would she feel the need to hide us?
“Don’t feel bad,” Janelle whispers. She stops in front of me and keeps her voice low. “Things are a little weird between us right now.”
Payson laughs at something Luca says and he shakes Ronni’s hand, greeting her.
“Weird how?”
Janelle purses her lips. “Long story, ask Payson, but I will say when Payson and you first met, I kept making jokes about you two. Which they all ended up being right, by the way—anyway, it was obvious Ronni was so not about it. Which doesn’t make sense since she has her own old man.” She cringes. “Older man, I mean.”
“She is dating an older man?”
“Yeah, her manager. Guess I’m the only one who missed the memo and went younger . . . How is he?”
He? I’m guessing she means Parker. I drop my eyes to her because it’s odd she would ask how he is doing, considering he’s the one who slept with someone else when they were meant to be exclusive. “He’s quiet.”
“I really liked him, you know? I would never have cheated.”
My throat tightens, “I know.”
“I had been in a relationship with Collins for years. Before our parents married, so it wasn’t as weird as you think. Or maybe it is, I don’t know, but I didn’t care either way; I loved him, really loved him and was okay with everyone finding out we were together. He wasn’t. I watched so many girls flirt with him, but it was okay because he would crawl into my bed at the end of the night.” Her voice breaks but those tears flooding her lower eyelashes don’t fall. “Anyway, I was really sad over the breakup. Sadder than I thought I could be. Payson was always the sad one. She holds her sadness so well that sometimes you forget she even has it.” My brow knits.
She’s right, I blamed her friends and family for not noticing, but she hides it well. I’m still not sure how I picked up on it before we even met, but I could feel it.
“Obviously I didn’t even know him for long but instantly I felt a connection. It’s like he was a breath of fresh air in a stuffy room. It seems stupid because we weren’t even dating but I can’t forgive him. Maybe it’s because I threw myself into whatever we were as a distraction or maybe it’s because I went years of being second option, I won’t do that anymore. Both guys I ever felt feelings for cheated on me with fucking Alyssa Burton. What’s that say about me?”
Two tears streak down her cheeks but she quickly wipes them away and they are replaced with a subtle blush. “Payson was right, you’re easy to talk to.” She thinks I’m easy to talk to? I can feel her watching us, so I meet her eyes and she tilts her head in question. “Sorry, I know he’s your son and you and Alyssa have . . . history or whatever so maybe it’s awkward, but you’ve probably learned I have no filter by now.”
“Alyssa is completely irrelevant. Those boys doing what they did have nothing to do with you and everything to do with their self-respect.” I run a hand down my face. I need to talk with my son before I go out tonight. “My relationship with Parker doesn’t stop what he did from hurting you. I love my son but you are my player and I care for you as well, Janelle. Your feelings are valid. Besides, you are Payson’s best friend and I’d like to think that friendship extends to me to a point.”
Janelle lifts her head and smiles at her best friend who is still watching us intently. “Yeah, it extends—” She pauses, then adds, “As long as you treat her as good as she deserves.”
“Always. But I am sorry for the hurt Parker has caused. I would like to blame his age, but that would probably be inappropriate.”
Janelle’s shoulder shakes with a halfhearted laugh. “Yeah, a bit hypocritical.”
“I do know he feels bad.”
She lets out a deep breath. “Wish he would have thought about that before.”