Page 136 of Leave Me Broken
She grins, knowing I’m right. “I’m just saying, being fucked by both of them—” She bites her lip. “Yum.”
“Stop. Besides, you’re the only one fucking Luca.” Apparently Luca’s “large mistake” from this morning was spending the night with Janelle. Is it weird he fucked my best friend then ate my pussy? Probably. And if people find out our coaches are going around and fucking their players, there would be a huge controversy.
“Yeah, but I don’t want a relationship with him.” I don’t get why not. Luca is lovely, good with his tongue too, but you won’t catch me saying that out loud. I didn’t lie when I said I like Ash better, but Luca is not lacking skills. “I like Parker, remember?”
No, actually I didn’t remember that. “Ohh, so you fucked his uncle because you like him so much. Right, that makes sense.”
She shoves me. “He fucked Alyssa! And whoever that slut was in his bed.” I don’t know if I should have told her that, but she was saying he disappeared from the party, and it kind of just came out. “Besides, Luca and myself were drunk. Everyone knows sex doesn’t count when you’re drunk.”
I don’t think that’s accurate and if that was the case, then neither would Parker’s cheating . . . but I’m not going to be the one to mention that. “Yeah. Tell that to Alyssa.”
“She giving you problems? I thought it was weird she let us have a few days of her being around with no bitchiness.”
I thought we were lucking out, apparently not. I fill Janelle in on everything Alyssa said and what happened after with Ash in the bathroom.
“Oh my God.”
“Yeah, I know.”
“She’s fucking crazy. I doubt the baby was even Ash’s.”
I wince at the mention but quickly recover. “Guess we will never know.”
“Ash definitely had a type before you: blonde and bitchy.” Yeah, no kidding. “At least you didn’t walk in on them fucking in the hallway or something.”
I shoot a look to her. “Why the hell would you say that?”
She shrugs casually. Then she grabs my shoulders after seeing my reaction. “Sorry, I must still be drunk from last night.”
“I think we are both a little fucked.”
She tilts her head and asks what I mean. Then panic should come, but it doesn’t so I shrug. “I just mean showing my arms today was weird, that’s all.” I hadn’t told Janelle about the blood; I don’t want her to know about the cutting, so when she asked what happened, I told her I spilled some Gatorade on it and had to change and the bandages were to protect my bare arms from the balls. She believed me, because, why wouldn’t she? We’re best friends and best friends don’t lie to each other.
“Anyway, you know what all this means, don’t you?”
She drops her head to her hands and groans. “Don’t you dare say it, Payson Murphy.”
“We both fucked our coaches.” My smile couldn’t be any bigger than it is right now. “We’re sluts!”
“Yeah, all I need to do is get my pussy eaten by Coach Pearson and we are twins.”
Ash’s mouth goes nowhere near any pussy but mine, I don’t feel like testing how mad I would get because I already know how mad I would be. I’d be murderous.
Dinner with Mr. Johnston is nice, even Ronni seems to loosen up. She’s been weird all day, but I’ve been too preoccupied to focus on it or ask about it.
Janelle’s dad has gotten even hotter. He’s completely gray now but his hair is thick, cut to a military high-and-tight but he has a thick mustache, and it does something to my stomach. He just looks so daddy. Janelle didn’t appreciate me telling her that when we were walking back from the bathroom, and she didn’t appreciate the look I gave her after he said he was recently single again. I’m kidding, but it was funny seeing her genuine worry.
Somehow me being with Ash has made Janelle think I’m a dad fucker now but when Mike asks if we want to get frozen yogurt, I’m that much closer to being one.
“Payson, how is having your childhood crush as your coach? Is it weird?”
We’re sat at the frozen yogurt place and I’m halfway to my mouth with a bite when Mike drops that bomb of a question. I shoot a look to his daughter in hopes she will save me, but I’m almost positive Janelle was stealing sips of her dad’s whiskey because instead of helping, she does the exact opposite and shoves me under a bus going sixty down the road.
“It’s definitely not weird.” She giggles. “In fact, she’s not the only one with a crush now.”
All I can do is blink at my best friend because, what the hell is she doing? I hid it from her mom, and I would rather tell Lauren than her dad.
Mikes gray eyebrows furrow. “Excuse me?”