Page 52 of Witchful Thinking
“I don’t think this house likes me very much.”
“You haven’t painted anything!”
“I don’t know where to start. But I’m thinking of hiring a designer.”
“You found a designer?”
“Yes, I did. She’s super talented but brand-new. She’s self-taught, but she’s special.”
Alex stared at Lucy. Her eyes widened in understanding. She was picking up what he was putting down.
“No,” Lucy said. “I don’t know anything about design.”
“You know more than me. I saw your face when you started talking about cobalt and tangerine, accent walls, and other stuff,” Alex said. “I need this house staged. You have skills I need, and I can afford your price.”
“I didn’t give a price,” Lucy said.
“I’ll pay for your time. I know your worth,” Alex said.
“Let me think about it,” Lucy said, but her eyes glanced around the kitchen. She was probably envisioning sky-blue walls and fancy towels. For some reason, Alex felt a nudge on his shoulder, as though someone was encouraging him to keep talking, to find a way to convince her.
“I think the house would like it if you said yes,” Alex said.
“Did it tell you to say that? Is this place talking to you?”
“No, but I’m learning to pay attention.”
Lucy held up a hand. “Say no more. Let’s work out a schedule. I have my tea reading clients to take care of, but I think we can work something out.”
“I’m honored.” Alex pressed a hand to his chest in a gesture of gratitude. A sense of hope came over him at the thought of her being in his space.
Lucy started to clean up the teacups. Alex didn’t want her to leave just yet, hesitant to let this hopeful feeling fade.
“Our reading isn’t over, is it?” He pointed to her empty cup. Leaves were clumped against the sides. “What about you?”
“I don’t read my own leaves anymore.”
“Okay,” Alex said. He took her cup, swirled the dregs, and turned it over on the saucer just like Lucy did. Reading the future couldn’t be that hard, right? He flipped it over and peered into the cup. Lucy reached for it, but he pulled back, waiting for the shapes to form. Slowly, they appeared, and he laughed while she playfully tried to cover his eyes. There was a queen’s regal crown on the rim, a bird with open wings, and a mushroom-looking shape.
“There’s a crown, a bird and…uh…” He narrowed his eyes, then leaned in closer. “A mushroom.”
Alex turned to Lucy. She paled and sat back away from him.
He set the cup down and placed a hand on her arm. “Hey, what’s up? Talk to me.”
“Did you make that up? Is that what you saw?” she demanded, glaring at him.
“Yes.” Alex reached up and cupped her cheek. “Talk to me, Lu,” he said gently. “What do they mean?”
“A crown means success and, of course, honor. Um…birds can represent good luck and a journey.”
“Okay, that doesn’t sound so bad.”
“The last symbol means a—” Lucy took a steadying breath. “It means a sudden separation of lovers following a fight.”
“Well.” Alex dropped his hand to her neck. He swallowed thickly.
“Well,” she repeated back to him.