Page 49 of Kiss and Spell
The walls were painted a bright peach, and waist-high bookshelves gave the space an open feeling. Shelves were a deep cherrywood color and filled with new and used books.
An altar by the front door was filled with silver-plated hearts, glitter-dipped roses, and half-cut dimes—leftover offerings from the spring equinox. The long table at the front of the bookstore was filled with finger foods, cups, and drinks.
A decent-sized crowd mingled around the couches and seats. Classical music played at a low volume overhead. There was a massive table in the middle of the floor filled with three levels of books that were wrapped in plain brown paper and red and white twine. Booksellers had written one-sentence descriptions on each of the books. Ursula rubbed her hands together in silent glee.
She found Xavier in the arts and crafts section. Gravity tugged her forward until she was right in front of him. He wore a light blue shirt that showed off his collarbones and gem pendant. How could she even find his collarbones sexy? She had it bad for him. His dress pants and plaid socks clashed, as if he’d gotten dressed in the dark. Of course, he wore his dress shoes, but these ones were scuffed and well loved. His beard looked springy and well oiled. His drink was gone but he still carried the aroma of earthy fruit. Ripe apples and squeezed oranges. He appeared carefully mismatched, and she was living for this whole vibe. Click, download, and save another image for the fantasy folder.
“Sorry I’m late,” she said, a little bit breathless.
“You’re right on time.” Xavier leaned in and gave her a quick hug. Oh. Okay. They were hugging hello now. She ignored the little jump of joy in her chest when he held her close, then let go.
“I hope everything’s okay.”
“We got a huge delivery of elemental candles, and I couldn’t leave until they were organized,” she explained.
The dozen boxes had been delivered minutes after she came back from coffee with Xavier. So many new items were dropped off that they had to close for an impromptu inventory day. Ursula had never seen so many wax-coated seashells and quartz crystals in her life.
Xavier’s face creased. “If you need to go, we can reschedule.”
“No, it’s fine. Mama and I literally just finished. Forgive me, I probably smell like pine.”
Xavier, without a second thought, leaned into her space. He was close enough that she could see the flecks of hazel in his eyes.
“You smell like a garden.”
“What, like fresh dirt?” Ursula joked, trying to ignore how her skin buzzed when he got close.
He caught her eye. “No, like jasmine,” he said with quiet emphasis.
Her heartbeat kicked up a notch. Jasmine flowers were small, but their scents were powerful, even mesmerizing. They were often used in spells to attract true love. Ursula mumbled a thanks and turned to the bookshelf to collect herself.
Be cool. She faced him again. “So, did you find anything to read?”
Xavier gestured to a thick book spine on the shelf above her head. “I’m curious about woodworking. I’ve already read this manual, so I’m looking for a new one.”
Ursula watched him for a beat. “You like making cabinets and carving wood.”
“I’m interested in the craft,” he said carefully. “I haven’t made anything in years, but I’ve enjoyed reading about it.”
An unreadable expression settled on his face. “You must think it’s an odd hobby for a prince. I should probably stick to raising unicorns, tending gardens, or cataloguing the armory.”
She heard a bitter edge of frustration in his voice. “Do you like doing any of those things?” Ursula didn’t want to even imagine how much unicorn poop Xavier had cleaned up over the years.
“I do what is required of me, Madame.” His lips twisted into a resigned smile, as if his future was already planned and set in stone. His story was already written.
Ursula met his eyes and held his attention. “Do what gives you joy.”
His face changed and became almost wistful. “I wish I could.”
They moved to another section of the bookstore. Xavier stopped next to a spindle of zines and graphic novels. “I revised my profile. I’ve gotten three messages.”
“I don’t want to say I told you so, but… I was right,” Ursula said.
He graced her with an excited smile.
“I have a possible date. I’m just waiting for my date to confirm.” Her stomach twisted a bit. It was only a matter of time before ladies noticed Xavier. There was no reason for her feel jealous, but her stomach twisted again.
She cleared her throat. “Well, give me details.”