Page 82 of Kiss and Spell
“I’m taking you out for a long lunch,” Xavier said. “The crystal has spoken.”
There was nothing like the tempting scent of fresh, buttery popcorn being made right before watching a movie. Ursula managed to snag the last Ultimate Movie Basket from the Jewel Box Theater and had it delivered to her apartment. The massive basket included a popcorn maker, bags of concession-stand candy, and a gift card for four movie rentals. It also included tickets to a future showing at the theater, a limited-edition T-shirt, and a few other wrapped goodies she hadn’t opened yet.
Unwrapping this basket seemed like a perfect time to invite Xavier over for a friendly movie night. Since their session at the shop, they’d gone out for lunch and dinner, and he’d been an absolute gentleman—opening the door, pulling out her seat, and extending his arm to her when they walked the Grove. Apparently, Xavier wanted to court her as a prince would. That idea touched her heart and turned her on at the same time.
Yes, he was being a gentleman, but she wanted to do unladylike things to him.
She wanted to be indecent with Xavier all night long and twice in the morning.
He arrived for movie night on time, of course, and brought drinks—a glass bottle of pomegranate iced tea. The plant knowledge part of her brain reminded her that pomegranates are aphrodisiacs and good for getting blood flowing everywhere. Great. Even her brain wanted her to get laid.
Ursula watched the last kernels pop on the stove.
“I feel guilty,” she said. “We don’t get out to Smitten events anymore. I don’t want to keep you tied up in the bedroom.”
Xavier licked his bottom lip. “Tie me up as much you want, Madame,” he said with a sly smile. “I don’t mind it.”
Her face grew hot. “You know what I mean.”
He tilted his head. “I know. Everything I want is right here in this room.”
She smiled at him. Ursula filled the wide bowl up to the brim with popcorn, walked over to the couch, and placed it right on Xavier’s lap. He deserved to have some fun before he went back to the Realm.
“I’d like you to meet my cousins,” she said. “They’re hosting a house party and they’ve invited us.”
“I’d be honored,” he said. “Should I bring something?”
She settled next to him. “Just bring your charming self.”
Ursula adjusted her laptop on the coffee table so that they could both see the screen.
“So, what are we watching?” he asked.
She reached into her purse by her side and set her phone to vibrate. “It’s a surprise.”
“I thought you didn’t like surprises,” he said.
“I’m trying something new.” She studied him, noticing the deep bags under his eyes and small yawn. A shred of guilt went through her. “We can do this another time.”
Xavier sat up. “No, I wanted to see you.”
Ursula queued up the movie on the computer. She picked something light and fun—a screwball romantic comedy Callie had made her watch for her college film class.
“You hold the snacks; I control the movie.”
Xavier glanced down at the popcorn, which glistened. “How much butter is enough?”
“There’s no answer to that question,” Ursula said. She snatched a handful from the bowl and munched. A fine layer of butter coated her fingers, which she quickly lapped up with her tongue. Clarified butter, take me away. She caught Xavier staring, his eyes growing big as he clutched the bowl to his chest.
“If you keep licking your fingers like that, we’re not going to even start the movie,” he warned seriously.
“We can watch this movie later.”
Ursula held back a scream. If he didn’t act right, she was going to pour the topping on him and see where the night took them. But behind the flirtation, she saw the exhaustion in his eyes. What was keeping him up at night? He needed a break from being charming.
“Resist me until the end credits,” she said instead.
He flashed her a grin.