Page 86 of Kiss and Spell
Five minutes passed, then she heard the jingle of keys in the front door lock. There was a squeak of a door opening, the lights snapped on, and everyone yelled “Surprise!” at various volumes. Xavier jumped up, but Ursula peeked her head around the couch. Alex and Lucy stood in the doorway with shocked expressions, which turned into wide smiles. She pressed her hands to her cheeks.
Ursula spied the twinkling emerald and diamond ring on her finger. She let out a strangled gasp.
Xavier crouched down next to her side. “Sula, what’s wrong?”
“It’s a surprise party,” she said with a croak. “It’s Lucy’s party.”
She couldn’t catch her breath and the room seemed so small around her. She needed air.
While everyone was distracted by Lucy and Alex, Ursula slipped out the back door and bounded down the stairs into Nana’s backyard garden. She took a calming breath, letting the cool evening air enter her lungs. Twinkle lights dangled from the tree, giving the space a whimsical glow. Those lights hadn’t been up there the last time Ursula visited, so she assumed Callie must have put them up for the party. Lucy was going to love it.
She wasn’t supposed to see Lucy until she completed the Boss Witch List. Until she made good with her magic. Even though Ursula made wishes and used her magic without fear, she hadn’t found the courage to ask for forgiveness.
Ursula didn’t expect to see Lucy for a long time. She especially didn’t want to see her at her engagement party. It’s too soon. I don’t want to mess up her night.
The back door opened and closed. Xavier descended the stairs and came over to her.
“I saw you step out,” Xavier said. “Are you okay?”
Ursula shook her head. “I should leave.”
“You were invited,” Xavier said.
“It was a mistake,” she insisted. This party was a complete surprise. If Lucy had had a final say over the guest list, then she probably wouldn’t have invited Ursula. She didn’t deserve to celebrate the good times when she had acted so badly. “I don’t think she wants to see me,” Ursula said. “I don’t want her to see me.”
“Too late, I caught you,” a familiar voice said fiercely. Ursula turned and saw Lucy standing on the top step. She walked down the stairs with a measured grace reserved for royalty. Ursula’s heart sped up and her breath came out in rapid pants. Xavier placed a light hand on her shoulder. Her heart slowed a fraction.
The months had been kind to Lucy, and she glowed with magic. Her short, kinky hair had grown out, and the tight curls looked like stretched ballpoint pen springs. She wore a typical late-spring outfit of a floral top with fluttery sleeves, fitted pants, and flats, and the new engagement ring on her finger sparkled under the lights.
Lucy approached Ursula; her eyes narrowed. “Caraways stick together,” she said. “Always. We don’t just toss away the people we love after a disagreement. You hold them close, and you work with them. If necessary, you let them go to work on themselves. To heal themselves.” Lucy moved in close to Ursula. “I bet you made a boss lady list to fix everything.”
Ursula let out a sob and nodded at her. Xavier caught her attention. He pointed to the house and stepped back inside to give them privacy. Oh, she adored him for that. Ursula looked at Lucy through her tears. Her cousin stared at her expectantly. All the regret she had held on to from all these months bubbled up as she looked at Lucy.
“I’m… so, so sorry,” Ursula said.
Lucy reached over and wiped away her tears with her thumbs. “It’s okay. I forgive you.”
Sisterly love radiated from Lucy’s face, making Ursula feel truly forgiven and accepted. This moment of forgiveness was what she’d worked so hard for, for so many months. To return as a person who deserved to be called a Caraway. The regret dissolved away like morning mist being burned away by the sun.
“So, what’s new with you?” Lucy asked lightly.
Ursula gave a watery laugh. “Do you have time to talk? I have a story for you.”
“Give me the short version.”
Underneath the twinkle lights, Ursula told Lucy the major highlights of her adventures from meeting Xavier to being named a Smitten Sweetheart. When she was finished with her tale, Lucy let out a low whistle of amazement. “You’ve been busy.”
“That’s one word for it.”
Lucy took Ursula’s hands and held them. Her touch was kind, welcoming. “Seriously, how are you?”
She thought for a second, then answered. “I’m wishing for better things now.”
“Good,” Lucy said quietly. “We’ve been waiting until you were ready to come home.”
Ursula opened and closed her mouth. She glanced over at the garden wall. The sight brought overwhelming joy to her heart. White and yellow honeysuckle flowers bloomed and covered the back wall. The honeysuckles grew back. They just needed time. She was done. Enough was enough and she was missing all their love.
“I’m ready.” Ursula embraced Lucy. The two hugged for a long moment before finally letting go.