Page 89 of Kiss and Spell
“He brought her nectar in lily cups, danced with her on dewy leaves, and feasted on the finest ambrosia. The prince, madly in love with Helia, proudly told his father the Old King he wanted to marry her. The Old King said it wasn’t possible.”
“Oh no,” she said.
“Oh yes,” Xavier responded with a steely edge. “His hand was promised to a princess in the East. Without this marriage, they’d would lose a vital ally and be left vulnerable. He had no choice but to let Helia go. Duty-bound and heartbroken, the prince left his first love and went to claim the princess’s hand. Their union would bring a long-awaited peace. The kingdom rejoiced in such a match being made.”
Her gut tightened. There was something else about this story that felt suspiciously too perfect. Xavier rubbed his hands together.
“The Faerie Queen married the fae prince to the princess and when they ascended to the throne, they took the Alder tree as their namesake. Their marriage mended relations and a peace treaty was signed. The Alder King and Queen lived happily ever after—they had three children, two sons and a daughter.”
Understanding dawned. Ursula pressed her lips together to keep the gasp from escaping. Xavier looked to the fire; his voice took on a foreboding tone.
“They lived happily ever after for a while, but the King grew restless of the castle. One day he left his kingdom and searched for Helia. She’d married a marquess and had a family of her own, but she never forgot about the prince.”
Ursula sensed his body tense next to her. He let out a harsh breath. All she could do was listen and lend him her support.
“They rekindled their relationship. It was discreet at first, but then letters turned to secret meetings. Meetings turned to secret homes. The Queen found out and… all she asked was for the King to be discreet. The Queen herself had been in love with another and denied her heart’s desire. So, the King had his Queen and his lady.”
Ursula pressed a hand to her throat. Somehow she found her voice. “How did you find out?”
“Lady Helia told me,” Xavier said in a chilly voice. “I caught her and Father talking to each other in the gardens and… it didn’t sound innocent.” He shut his eyes and let out a rough exhale. “I asked her about it, so she told me everything. All the details—like it was a grand love. I’d just turned thirteen.”
“That’s so…” Wrong. Cruel. Heartless. Ursula settled on one word. “That was mean.”
His eyes snapped open. He gave a grateful smile. “Indeed, Madame.”
“How does this story end?”
His eyes grew forlorn. “I wish I knew. I should’ve told you a happy story, but I don’t have any.”
Ursula scooted close to Xavier, close enough that their legs were touching. She wrapped his arms around her waist and held him tightly. He hugged her back.
“Then, let’s make a new story,” she whispered. He said nothing but held her tighter.
That familiar feeling to steal him away from the world filled her chest. This time, however, she wanted to show the Realm what they’d missed in Prince Xavier.
Would Ursula be bold enough to steal this prince for herself? Only time would tell.
At least she could steal a kiss. Ursula leaned over and captured his lips with hers.
Click. She pulled back but stayed close enough that their lips brushed against each other. Click. “Is that your phone?”
“Hmm?” He pressed a light kiss to her lips. “I didn’t hear anything.”
Click. Where was that sound coming from? She stilled. It was the Caraway click. The family legend was real. This man was the one her soul had been waiting for for years. A small hope, as fragile as a seedling, took root.
She gave him one last peck on the cheek and looked to the fire.
He wrapped his arms around her and held her close.
Xavier might change his mind and stay here with her. All she had to do was give him a reason to stay.
She didn’t even know if she wanted to get married or engaged anytime soon. Princes needed to do that. No one had ever heard of a prince living almost happily ever after in an apartment above a psychic shop with their witchy girlfriend. But she could almost see it—him tending to their plants on the windowsill while she called down a dinner order to Rapunzel’s Pizza. She could see him kissing her goodbye before heading off to take care of business in the Grove. But then how long would it be before he missed the eternal beauty of the Realm? And what would she do when he did? When people got tired of the magic, they moved on and left her to pick up the pieces. Ursula didn’t want to encourage too much hope in her heart. Hope had no place in the heart of a witch, but it was there. She was going to hold to it for now.
And for tonight, Ursula was going to take her prince home and keep his heart safe.
Chapter Twenty-Six
The first thing Xavier did when they got back to the apartment was check on the plants. He went over to Sir Duke and checked the soil. The Swiss plant wiggled its leaves in greeting. Xavier turned to the hyacinth flower. “Hello, Raspberry Beret.”