Page 96 of Kiss and Spell
The body of the letter was formal. Polite. Cold. He even had the nerve to thank her for their lovely time together but that he regretfully did not see himself returning to the Grove. It was as if another person wrote the letter, and Ursula almost believed it, but then she got to the last paragraph.
Now, I know that there are no walls or rules that can hold your fearless spirit and elemental magic. You could easily adapt to my world, but I could not dare step into yours. I’ll always remember the story you spun for me and how much I yearned for it to be true. It was my pleasure to be with you for the brief time we had. Do not waste your time or wishes on me.
She placed the letter on the table, letting out a shaky breath. “Did you read it?”
Whitney sighed heavily. “I don’t need to. I changed his diapers. I know my beloved godson. He’s chivalrous to the point of misery. The prince would deny himself any joy if it made you happy or if he thought that it wasn’t meant for him.”
Ursula wrinkled her brow. “What do you mean?”
“I shouldn’t say anything, but I can’t get banished twice.”
Her chest tightened at this news. “You’re banished from the Realm?”
“From the Alder Court,” Whitney said. “I got into a huge fight with Xavier’s father a while back. I told him my godson’s soul mate lived in the human world. He flew into a rage, told me to not come back and never tell Xavier. Well, fate stepped in, and he ended up in the Grove.
“Just like Cinderella knew her prince and Beast knew his Beauty, I knew that you were destined to meet. I needed to step back and let love find a way.”
“But he’s still not coming back,” Ursula said. She needed to know why.
Whitney frowned. “His father probably threatened to strip him of everything, including his title and his wealth.”
Ursula seethed. She hated to think that the King would be so cruel to his son, but it wouldn’t surprise her.
“He has to be brave and walk away,” Whitney said softly. “I don’t think he knows how to return yet. That’s a door only he can walk through; you can’t make him. No one can.”
Determination flared through her. I could. I can. I’m a Caraway witch. Ursula tapped the notebook. “He gave me a way to make him.”
Whitney pressed a trembling hand to her mouth. Ursula still felt his lips against her ear whispering to her in the dark. His true name. He’d given her the one thing that solely belonged to him, that no other soul possessed. He’d given it to her to keep it safe.
“It’s lovely. It suits him,” Ursula said.
The name that would snatch Xavier from the Faerie Realm and bring him here by her side in an instant. All she had to do was say it. Whisper it. Scream it. He’d granted her the ability. It was within her power to do so.
She slid the notebook over to Whitney. “Keep it safe. I’m not using it.”
Whitney touched the cover. Her eyes bored into Ursula. “Tell me why.”
Ursula stared down at her teacup. I’ve tried for too long to bend fate to my will. I’ve tried to bend people. I love him enough that I won’t do that. If he wants us, then he’ll decide on his own. Whitney watched her expectantly, waiting for an answer. Ursula decided on the best and most diplomatic one she had.
“I can make sure the door’s unlocked for him, but that’s it.”
Whitney nodded. “A wise witch once told me some people are in our lives for a season, a reason, or lifetime. You must decide which one he is.”
“He’s my lifetime,” Ursula said. “I told him I love him, before—he returned.” Ursula let out a breath. “He’s rooted in me deep. I can’t—I won’t—shake him easily.”
Whitney took Ursula’s hands in hers and squeezed. “Then you’re blessed to have given him the gift of your love. Too many times we wait too long to tell people we love them.”
He knows I love him, but what was he going to do with it?
“I have a plan,” Ursula said slowly. She ran her tongue over her lips in thought. What if she went to the ball and waited for the prince? What if she made her own happy ending instead of wishing for it? Cinderella wasn’t guaranteed a happy ending, but she still went to the ball.
Whitney let out an excited yelp. “Is it a heist? I’ve always wanted to do an Ocean’s Eleven type of heist, but I don’t know what I’d steal.”
Ursula giggled. She was going to like hanging out with Whitney. “Maybe next time, but I’m going to need three favors from you.”
Whitney gave a curt nod of agreement. “Talk to me.”
Ursula held up three fingers. She counted off her favors. “One, I need you to deliver a letter back to Xavier today.”