Page 5 of Love After Darkness
“It just seems to me there isn’t a whole lot of evidence.”
“If you know something, then you need to tell me,” he says, smiling without showing teeth. “We can chat here or, if you’d feel more comfortable, head down to the station and talk there.”
Well, since he’s not buying my act fully, I slip back into the old tried and true. The one thing that has gotten me out of as many scrapes as it’s gotten me into. I let my coat slip slightly, revealing the top of the lacy black tank underneath. It’s a subtle gesture, natural, my neck stretching to the side delicately.
There’s no hesitation in the movement, only a calm resolve I’m used to once my mind latches on to an idea. The resolve is always accompanied by a dogged tenacity. My mentor always said it would get me into trouble one day.
The trouble he’s never been able to beat or fuck out of me, much to his eternal disappointment.
Devan is the same kind of trouble. I understand it without having to get to know him on anything deeper than a physical level. I saw his face in the reports I shouldn’t have looked at, and I liked it. The angular planes of his face, those soulful dark eyes, now staring at me with a combination of suspicion and, dare I say it? Desire.
He wants me.
I knew it the second we locked eyes over Everett. Which isn’t the sexiest way to meet someone you’ve fantasized about in a face-to-face setting, as I may or may not have done when I accessed his files a year ago, but death doesn’t faze me. It hasn’t for a long time.
“You’re agitated, Detective.”
Devan blinks at my observation.
“I’m sure what you saw today is normal but still upsetting for you. I’d love to be able to show my appreciation to a man in uniform.” I lace my fingers together in front of me.
I’ve got to be careful of going too fast, too soon, or I’ll spook him. Still, I know when a man is showing interest in a woman. And the detective is doing his damndest not to look at my cleavage. Too bad for him he doesn’t understand who he is up against.
I take a tentative step closer, maintaining eye contact the entire time as I reach between us and press my palm to his cock. Already, he’s half hard, and his erection bobs against my hand.
The word is a single warning, a blast. His eyes harden as he looks at me.
“Why would I stop? You want your answers. I want to taste you.”
For me, this is a transaction, something where we are both getting what we want out of it. He’s getting a little release, and I’m getting a distracted man who isn’t going to follow me. Win, win.
A smile flickers across my lips. “Trust me,” I tell him in a low purr. “Let me show you how good it can be. Let me show you my appreciation for all you do.”
“You’re evading my questions,” he says.
There’s a moment where he thinks about it. I see the change on his face, the mental justification for letting a random stranger suck him off. I up the wattage on my smile and arch my back slightly to push the girls higher against the lace of my tank top.
Devan opens his mouth to say no, I’m sure of it, and in the split second he starts to form the word, I lift on the tips of my toes to kiss him, stealing the word and swallowing it down. His dick thickens underneath my hand. It’s a small press of my mouth to his, not even a full kiss, but it’s enough.
“Trust me,” I murmur again, this time against his lips. “Relax. I’m not going to fuck you. Really.”
There are people on the street, and just a few feet away, someone laughs. The world is waking up.
So close. So close, and Devan clenches his hands into fists at his sides. I bet those hands are rough and calloused from handling his gun. Or his knuckles are swollen from throwing a punch into someone’s face.
He’s doing everything he can to not touch me, not kiss me back. But he doesn’t stop me, either. He says nothing else when I break the kiss to step back and drop to my knees in front of him.
I meet his hard look with a cheeky grin.
Those liquid chocolate eyes bore into mine with an intensity I’m not sure I’ve ever seen, and I hold them, my breath catching at the snick of his zipper. Overload in the hush of the alley. I slowly pull it all the way down and flick open the top of his pants. Push his boxers down just enough to have his cock bounce free from the confines.
Thick and girthy, his erection juts out right my nose. Perfectly straight and not at all like—
I shove those thoughts so far down into my psyche I’m not sure they’ll remain in one piece.
Precum dots the tip of Devan’s cock as I bend forward to take him into my mouth. Every inch of salty goodness I can fit before the head of him hits the back of my throat.