Page 112 of Monsters in Love
Unsure what she meant, I glanced over to see Frilda helping another customer.
“What do you need her for?” I asked.
Wynthea’s cheeks glowed pink.
I figured it out even in her blushing silence.
The corset.
I’d noticed the dozens of crisscrossing silver ribbons at the back of the gown when I’d hung it up. That was why the dress gaped so. Not because it didn’t fit, but because it wasn’t done up.
My feet moved of their own accord, swallowing the distance between us.
“Frilda might be a while,” I said. “I’ll do it.”
Wynthea’s eyes went wide. Her shock echoed my own. I could scarcely believe I’d just said that.
Good sense told me to back down. Right now.
“Turn around.”
A feral, keening satisfaction burned in my blood when she obeyed without complaint.
The satisfaction evaporated a moment later, replaced by currents of lust that would have swept me entirely away if they weren’t crashing inside my own body.
The sides of the dress splayed outward from Wynthea’s slim back, looking almost like a spread of green wings that mirrored mine. Her skin made me ache. It looked even softer than the velvet of the gown. The column of her spine drew an elegant line down the centre, and because the waist was so low on this dress, it was open far enough down that I could see the luscious flare of her hips and the waistband of her simple white panties below.
Damn it. I hadn’t anticipated seeing panties.
My cock bulged, feeling close to eruption just from this simple look. I hadn’t even touched her yet.
I was in far, far over my head.
And considering my impressive height, that was saying something.
“Are you going to start?” Wynthea breathed.
I’d been staring like a dolt at her bare back for ages. I cursed my foolishness when I saw the sweep of goosebumps over her skin.
She’s cold, you idiot.
I gripped the sides of the gown from behind her and forced Wynthea into a forward march, back into the warmer changing area. At the last moment, I turned and re-fastened the fabric of the wall. With the changing area wall closed-off, there was very little space left to move now. Clearly, it was meant only for one person at a time.
I found myself both immensely grateful to, and undone by, the forced proximity.
Wynthea shivered, and I got to work immediately, not willing to let her back feel the cool air for even one more moment. My fingers flew, making quick work of the crisscrossing ribbons. I tried desperately not to touch her bare back. When I did, the knuckles of my right hand brushing her spine, she gasped. I swallowed a tight groan, my cock growing damp at its tip beneath my trousers.
It would be so easy to gather up all this heavy, shifting fabric, force it to her waist, and –
“Are you done?”
I grunted a mangled, “Yes,” in response to her question. Thankfully, miserably, I was finished. With both relief and regret, I let my fingers fall away from her back. My chest heaved, my heart beating far harder than I would have thought it capable of considering how my entire body’s worth of blood had now settled between my legs.
Slowly, Wynthea turned to face me.
My mouth went dry.
The dress fit her perfectly.