Page 123 of Monsters in Love
Turning toward the couch, I took advantage of her shocked state to get a good look at my surprise houseguest. Her age couldn’t have been over 30 human years, but her haircut and makeup, combined with her materialistic trappings, implied she was trying to look older than she was.
Despite these distractions, her face still held the glow of youth, with smooth sepia-toned skin and eyes the color of rich earth, framed by lustrous, thick curly hair. And now that we were confined together in a small space, that fresh floral scent of hers—like nothing that grew in Maine—was making my mouth water.
This certainly hasn’t happened in a while.
All at once, I found myself transported back to the last time I’d encountered humans on this property—roughly 15 years earlier.
On the hunt, I silently padded through the underbrush, occasionally testing the air to ensure I remained downwind from my prey.
And what pretty prey it is.
She was dressed in nothing but a thin nightdress that tauntingly hinted at the curves she was still growing into. Not quite a woman, but no longer a girl, with a sugary sweet cherry blossom scent that was driving me onward. Driving me mad.
I’d noticed this particular human the instant she tumbled out of her family’s car, innocently laughing with her younger siblings while being loaded with provisions for the short trek through the forest to the cabin in the woods.
On my land.
The man who’d originally cleared this spot of forest to build a camp had understood the delicate balance between humans and the creatures—both natural and supernatural—who inhabited this area. He only cut down as many trees to build a small dwelling, only took from the land what was needed, and never claimed to own any of it.
A rare show of human intelligence.
When he died, another family purchased the property from the state, but they came here so infrequently, I often forgot they existed. Time passed differently for cryptids like me—mysterious creatures who’d existed for as long as the lore that made us legendary.
It was sheer luck I was even nearby when the intruders arrived, as my territory was vast. Once I laid eyes on the captivating girl, I was too intrigued to slink away.
Thus began my nightly stalking of the property—looking for ways to get closer without being noticed. Most of the family went to bed with the sun, but my little cherry blossom was a night owl.
And fearless.
Her nocturnal activity was usually restricted to the cabin and porch, but this night, she’d ventured farther afield, probably emboldened by the mistaken impression that the light of the full moon would protect her from danger.
Knowing how to disappear into the shadows, I simply waited until she’d wandered past the tree line before cutting her off from behind—stalking her deeper into the forest.
The breeze lifted her nightdress as she crouched to examine a plant illuminated by moonlight, and I stifled a moan as her scent became stronger.
Unable to resist, I drifted closer—close enough that she could feel my breath on her neck.
“Are you lost, little flower?”
I snapped back to the present to discover I’d draped myself over the human cowering on the couch, with my snout buried in her hair, and my cock harder than it had been in a long time.
Thank the gods for my thick fur.
“Please what?” I growled, knowing I was being incredibly inappropriate by human standards, but I wasn’t human. As it was, I was using every ounce of self-control to rein in the pure animal lust thundering through my veins.
That the gods had delivered the same temptation to my doorstep who’d first inexplicably captured my interest all those years ago confirmed there were larger forces at play here.
And who am I to argue with fate?
She shuddered beneath me—her soft skin and wildly beating heart taunting me further. “Please don’t… eat me.”
Oh, the irony.
Groaning, I slid off the couch until I was sitting back on my haunches at her feet. “Are you certain you don’t want me to eat you, little flower?” I kept my gaze on her face, trying to ignore that her cunt was now at eye—and snout—level.
And she definitely smells more aroused than afraid.