Page 14 of Monsters in Love
The amount of times I’ve had to repeat myself or my stories in order for them to even remember who I worked with, where I worked, that I was a pastry chef was so frustrating. But, they could somehow remember all the random guys I brought home, and all my past indiscretions and failures.
The road before us was clear. Not many traveled this path so close to a monster-controlled city. Kro pushed his sunglasses up so that he could look at me as he spoke. “That is the way of parents, I believe. My own ma is like that. And the way she tells it, her ma was like that as well. They want what’s best and think they know how you should get it. Take me. My ma, aunts, and even sister are also on me for siring the next generation. Asking when I would lead my own clutch. They do not count the fact that I already lead a clutch. And so, the last clan meet, I stated plainly, ‘ma, I’m your youngest whelp. You do not need me to sire anything. And I already lead a clutch and represent our world in Obsidian City. Let that be enough.’”
“I wish I have just a sliver of your confidence,” I said. “What did they say? How did your mom or family react?”
“Well, as is typical, my ma walloped me upside my head, and then my grandma cursed me a few times before I reminded her that she did not in fact know a single hex. Then my sister challenged me to a few feats of strength that I barely won. So, with that, they finally left me alone.”
I must have looked horrified.
“Do not worry. I’m almost positive my sister let me win, and thus secretly shared her approval of my choice.”
I laugh. “Well, I guess I don’t need to overreact. I’m confident that my parents won’t lay a finger on me.”
“I would restrain them gently if they tried,” Kro said seriously.
I couldn’t remember when I laughed so much with anybody. “Tell me more about your family. What’s these feats of strength?”
His eyes lit up as he recalled a memory. I never noticed the lovely shade of green his eyes were. It was a soft green that reminded me of jade. Flecks of gold ringed the pupils, giving him a prismatic effect. “Where do I begin?” he mused.
“Hopefully from the beginning,” I retorted.
He guffawed, his head leaned back. Man, he should do that more. He really was easy on the eyes.
Warning bells blared inside my mind. The orc was beautiful, funny, and easy to talk to. It did not mean I needed to start lusting after him. In fact, that was exactly why I shouldn’t fall for him.
If things started happening, and I messed things up, it would be awkward at work. And I would rather not quit and find another job just to avoid him.
Not again.
He was a friend, doing friendly things at my time of need. He would strictly be a friend, and that’s it.
Maybe I should tell him to roll his sleeves down. He was practically starring in a porn movie with them rolled up like that…exposing his forearms. And his hands. The easy way he gripped the wheel, and shifted gears was practically obscene.
Wait. No. I was supposed to be his girlfriend this weekend, so it would make sense that I was gaga for him. Therefore it would only be logical that I would be drooling all over him.
Yes, that would be the more sensible course of action.
One hundred percent pure logic.
Honey and Cherry would be proud of my assessment.
Chapter 3
If she kept looking at me like that, I would pull the car over and ravish her in the back seat. Better yet, I would pull her over to the driver's seat and set her on top of me so she could ride me hard.
She was perfect. Every little move she made drove me mad. How she tucked her legs underneath her as she perched in her seat. How she bit her lip before she said something clever and witty. How she tossed her head back and laughed– it was a full body contortion that made me painfully aware how amazing she would be in bed.
She was expressive and joyful, I couldn't get enough of her spirit.
"Ugh, I knew I should have just worn leggings," she wailed. "Pants with zippers and buttons are for the birds."
Her phrases were so charming. "I don't know any birds that would prefer such things. Maven the hawk shifter prefers his feathers to clothes in his beast form."
"I'm so jealous. I wish I had a beast form. Then I'd just be naked all the time."
I would have jerked the car off the road had it not been for the voice of the GPS witch stating that the exit was coming up. Focus, Kro. It would not do to embarrass Plum in front of her family.