Page 30 of Chloe
She clung to him, quivering.
“Gods,” he murmured.
“S-sorry, it just feels r-really good,” she told him, snuggling closer.
She became aware of something pressing at her belly.
Gods, it’s him, she realized. He wants me.
The thought of it made her ache with need.
“I need to get you upstairs, now,” he told her through a clenched jaw.
She pulled back, looking up into his eyes. She wanted him badly, but now that the moment was upon her, she felt a little scared.
I have to tell him it’s my first time.
“But first, we need to talk,” he said calmly, as if he had heard her thoughts. “Chloe you’re a very special woman, but you need to know that this is just part of the program. I can’t make a commitment to you. I’m a Maltaffian and I won’t have a relationship unless it’s with my true mate. I hope you understand.”
The words had rattled off his tongue almost as if they were practiced, and now he was giving her a look she supposed was calculated to make him look both sympathetic and attractive.
Fury rose in her chest, obliterating any lack of confidence she might have been feeling before.
“I know about Maltaffian mating bonds,” she said coolly. “I did my homework. And I signed the same paperwork you did. The only reason we’re romancing each other is to trick your lazy seed into activating. If you think this was enough, let’s go get it over with.”
He blinked down at her, as if in shock, then let his head fall backward as he laughed.
“My sister would have loved you,” he told her. “Sure, let’s get it over with, schoolteacher.”
And somehow, in spite of how insulted she was, she let him take her hand and lead her up the stairs of the pool and onto the terrace.
A little voice in the back of her head told her she still needed to share her inexperience with him.
But her pride won out.
If he did his homework, then he already knows. And there’s no need for me to humiliate myself by telling him something so personal.
But if she was honest with herself, she was pretty sure he hadn’t done his homework.
He just didn’t seem like the homework type, and she was one to know.
Jubal’s heart pounded as he marched Chloe into the bedroom and closed the door behind them.
Her words echoed in his mind.
Let’s go get it over with.
Though he was pretty sure she had only been trying to take him down a peg, a fire began to burn in him to prove her wrong, to make her crave him desperately, frantically, maybe even to make her beg.
“Shower,” he told her, pointing to the bathroom. “Now.”
Her eyes widened slightly, but she did as she was told, padding into the bathroom in front of him.
He watched her curves jiggle enticingly as he followed, and had to will himself to take it slowly instead of slamming her up against the wall and giving them both the quick satisfaction they needed.