Page 37 of Chloe
And though she was glad he was pleased, it was hard to think that his heart wasn’t breaking, just a little, like hers was.
Chloe awoke feeling warm and wonderful.
It took a moment for the world to populate itself around her in her conscious mind, but when it did, she realized warm arms were wrapped around her, hugging her close.
She opened her eyes, blinking out the sunlight for a moment.
Jubal’s big body was curled around hers, his nose buried in her chest, one leg thrown over her midsection as if he were trying to keep her from being taken away.
For a moment, she let herself fantasize that he was holding her this way because he wanted to hold her forever.
We’ll get married, and live happily ever after, she told herself with a smile.
But of course, that was just a dream. The reality was that Jubal was sleeping, and he didn’t even realize he was holding her.
Knowing it was for the best, she tried to slip out of his hold.
He moaned pitifully, and pulled her closer.
Mother Stars, now what?
He would certainly be mortified if he woke up to find himself clinging to her desperately and moaning.
Motivated to avoid humiliating him, she wiggled and tugged, finally managing to extricate herself and nearly falling on the floor in the process.
Somehow, she landed on her feet, and tiptoed to the dresser on her side of the bed, where clothing seemed to have been laid out for her. She scooped it all up and headed into the bathroom to start her morning routine.
It was impossible not to think about last night. The last time she was in this shower, Jubal was doing incredible things to her.
She closed her eyes and let the hot water cascade over her as she called up the memory.
And then, oh the things he had done when they were out of the shower.
Her hands went automatically to her belly as she wondered if his seed had taken hold.
A vision of their baby appeared in her mind without her summoning it. The sweet, smiling little face was as scarlet as his father’s, with soft cheeks and blue eyes like hers, and tiny horn nubs.
I would never be permitted to see the baby again, she tried to remind herself.
That knowledge hurt. And it was much worse than when she had imagined it back home without a father whose features she could fill in.
But it was more than that.
I like him, she realized.
It wasn’t just his good looks. She liked the way he let go and had fun in the escape room. And she really liked the way he got immediately serious when he learned she was inexperienced, and how he didn’t judge her for it, even for a second.
He might look and act like a bit of a bad boy, but in his heart, Jubal was a good man.
And though it hurt to think of letting both him and a baby go, at least she wouldn’t be leaving a child who was biologically half hers with a person who was cold and heartless.
Don’t think about it, she advised herself sternly. Worrying about what happens next won’t make it any easier when the time comes.