Page 56 of Chloe
He pulled back from Chloe immediately, cursing himself for letting his instincts take over.
If not for Oberon’s gentle reminder, Jubal was pretty sure he would have ripped the gown from Chloe’s body and claimed her for all to see.
And the way she was looking at him, her eyes hazy with desire, a little whimper escaping her lips as he pulled back, he was pretty sure she would have let him.
“Quickly, Oberon,” he growled, gathering Chloe in his arms and standing with her.
The carriage that awaited was pulled by what appeared to be winged horses, like the ones on his third album cover.
Belatedly, he realized that cover also featured an image of himself, carrying away a besotted princess.
“Nice, Oberon,” he murmured as he climbed aboard with her.
“I am glad you like it, sir,” Oberon said. “The press will enjoy it as well. Unless you prefer that I send an electromagnetic pulse to put a stop to their recordings?”
Jubal glanced over at the gate to see a thousand bracelet cameras glinting in the last of the afternoon light.
“Nah, let them have it,” he said. “I’d probably pay a pretty penny for that feed myself.”
“Very well,” Oberon told him. “Congratulations to you both. The carriage will sail the moment you tap the reins.”
“Jubal,” Chloe murmured as if she were hypnotized by need.
“Smile for our fans, baby,” he told her.
She turned her head to look, and he waved to the crowd.
They screamed like they were all on fire, and Chloe smiled down at them happily, like the princess she was.
Jubal touched the reins, and the horses took to the sky, flying swiftly back toward the villa.
“You were so brave,” he told Chloe. “I can’t believe you took that hill in roller skates for me.”
“Love makes us do crazy things,” she sighed.
“Love?” he asked.
Her face reddened, and she looked down as if she were ashamed.
“I’ve been wanting to say that word to you since you freaked out about the spelling test grades not being posted,” he admitted to her. “Love for you has made me a fool and I’m sure it will again. Can you forgive me for running today?”
“Only if you promise not to run again,” she told him.
“When our bond is sealed, there will never be a need,” he told her honestly. “And I wouldn’t be able to anyway. Does that scare you?”
“No,” she told him simply. “It’s exactly what I want.”
“It’s killing me not to kiss you right now,” he told her. “But I know I won’t be able to stop.”
“You don’t want to seal the bond in front of the horses, huh?” she teased, her dark blue eyes gleaming with mischief.
“They’re beautiful, but they seem sort of judgmental,” he teased back.
“Good,” she told him. “Because you’re going to have to extend your willpower a little longer. I am not starting our lives together covered in mud and sticks.”
“I will allow you five minutes to bathe when we arrive,” he told her firmly. “After that, you’re mine.”
She laughed, and the sound washed over him, making him feel brand new, like anything could happen next.