Page 11 of Jhon
What other appetites might she have?
He pushed the thoughts aside before they had a chance to take root.
When they reached the room at the end of the hall, she stepped aside so that Jhon could open it. The room was hardly bigger than the sleigh they had ridden in on. A massive bed stretched nearly from wall to wall.
“It’s enormous,” she breathed.
“No need for sarcasm, princess,” he said, striding in. “You’re on the frontier now. We make do with what we have, and this is very livable.”
“I… wasn’t being sarcastic,” she said softly.
“Hm,” he growled eying her suspiciously. “Want the refresher first? I can hold the whelp.”
“Thank you, but…” she trailed off, looking up at him.
“But what?” he asked.
The room suddenly seemed too small, her scent too sweet, his head was spinning. She felt the mating pull, too. There was no doubt. She was going to ask him about it, and he would have no choice but to answer.
“What was that?” she asked. “Back there, with the manager. Why did he start acting so weird the minute he saw you?”
He blinked back his surprise. This wasn’t the conversation he had been expecting.
“Well, because of who I am,” he told her. “Or more precisely, what I am.”
“What you are?” she echoed.
Is she joking? Is this more sarcasm?
“I’m an Invicta warrior,” he said slowly.
“You are?” she asked, eyes widening. “But I thought the Invicta were dragons.”
“Yes,” he said, nodding. “We are.”
“Oh,” she said, taking a step back and practically hitting the wall. “I see.”
“We’re not dragons all the time,” he told her gently, trying not to laugh. “We can shift our forms.”
She nodded, mouth buttoned closed, like she was scared, or at least overwhelmed.
“Go on,” he told her. “Use the refresher. I’ll watch over Bo until you return.”
“Bo,” she breathed, her eyes lighting up as if she had just remembered the baby. “He has a name.”
“He does not,” Jhon said briskly, cursing himself inwardly for speaking the nickname he’d been using for the boy in front of her. “It will be your job to name him. I just used that sound as a placeholder.”
“Bo,” she said, smiling down at the little one like she was trying the name on for size. “It’s perfect.”
She handed the sleeping baby over and disappeared into the refresher before Jhon could even respond. He was left standing in the tiny room, trying to understand why tears were prickling his eyes as he cradled the whelp tight to his chest once more.
Ella stood in the refresher, wondering where the shower could be.
Everything else was just where it belonged. She had used the facilities and found toothpaste and paper products.