Page 7 of Jhon
He gestured behind her, and she turned to see a massive deer of some sort pulling a glossy green sleigh. It looked like something out of a picture book.
“Seriously?” she chuckled.
Between the big, bearded warrior and the deer-drawn sleigh, it felt like he was practically daring her to compare him to a young version of Old Earth’s Saint Nicholas legend.
“What?” he demanded, his eyes flinty.
“Nothing,” she said meekly, scurrying past the massive deer to get to the side of the sleigh.
He probably hadn’t heard the Saint Nicholas legend. And even if he had, she didn’t think he would be amused by the comparison. Besides, there had never been a version of the jolly old fellow with abs like the ones this baby’s escort had.
There was a step and a handle to aid in boarding the sleigh, but both were up higher than she could easily reach.
She looked down at her cloak and gown. She could probably scramble up, but she hated to take any chances with the baby in her arms.
“I’ll help,” the big warrior grunted, offering her his hand.
“Thank you so much…” she began.
But as soon as his hand wrapped around hers, her words seemed to evaporate from her mouth, as a hot shiver of awareness moved through her body like wildfire.
She glanced up at the big warrior only to find that his eyes were flashing with undisguised lust.
Desire warmed her in an instant, making her feel languid. It would be so easy just to flow into his arms, press her body to his…
Suddenly, she remembered that she was holding a baby in her arms.
Horrified, she pulled her hand away, and tore her eyes from his.
What was happening to her?
“I-I’m fine,” she stammered, reaching for the handle on her own.
But his big hands wrapped around her hips from behind, lifting her.
She gritted her teeth against the surge of need she felt at his touch, and tried to focus on getting into the sleigh as quickly as possible so he could take his hands off her.
At last, she was perched on the luxuriously padded bench of the sleigh. It was covered in a thick, intricately embroidered fabric, with a pile of furs pooled on the floor in the front of it.
The scent of fresh hay was rich in the air. There must have been provisions for the deer stored someplace in the sleigh.
Nervously, she checked out the harness and rein system. She had never driven a sleigh before, and certainly not with an infant in her arms.
But it was all part of her adventurous new life. And she wasn’t doing it on an empty belly, like she had done most things back home. That would make it easier.
“May you all enjoy a safe and scenic journey,” the transport droid said politely from the ground below. “Bring luck on Sigg-3.”
“Thank you,” Ella replied.
“We’ll need Sigg-3 to bring luck on us,” the soldier growled at the same time. “Thanks to you.”
“My apologies,” the droid said. “Rest assured, the livestock you requisitioned will arrive in due course.”
“Livestock?” Ella echoed.
“Never mind,” he growled back.
She watched as he jumped effortlessly into the sleigh beside her, sliding to the end of the bench as if he wanted to avoid any more physical contact.