Page 231 of The Running Grave
‘Will, I just wanted to—’
‘Get undressed,’ said Will, walking to the corner of the cabin, where the short length of hose pipe was attached to the tap. Picking the slimy soap off the floor, he began to wash his genitalia.
‘That thing you said to Noli, in the kitchen,’ said Robin, raising her voice over the splattering of water on the wooden floor, ‘it made me th—’
‘Forget that!’ said Will, looking over his shoulder at her. ‘That’s why I had to go in the box. I shouldn’t have said it. If you’re going to talk about that, I’m leaving,’
He towelled himself off with a mouldy-looking towel, sat back down on the grubby bed and began to masturbate in an effort to achieve an erection.
‘Will, stop,’ said Robin, looking away from him. ‘Please stop.’
He did so, but not because of Robin. Something that sounded like a lawnmower had roared into life just outside the cabin. Robin crossed to the gap in the curtains and saw Amandeep mowing out there, an expression of grim determination on his face.
‘Who is it?’ said Will, from behind her.
‘Amandeep,’ said Robin. ‘Mowing the grass.’
‘That’s because you’re on a Mark Three,’ said Will. ‘He’s making sure you stay in here. Get undressed.’ He’d recommenced masturbating. ‘Take your clothes off, we’re supposed to be done in twenty minutes.’
‘Please stop doing that,’ Robin implored him. ‘Please. I just wanted to talk to you.’
‘Get undressed,’ he repeated, his hand still working furiously.
‘Will, that thing you said—’
‘Forget what I said,’ he retorted angrily, still struggling to achieve an erection. ‘It was false self, I didn’t mean it!’
‘Why did you say it at all, then?’
‘I was… I don’t like Seymour, that’s all. She shouldn’t be a Principal. She’s a BP. She doesn’t understand doctrine.’
‘But what you said makes sense,’ said Robin, ‘there is a contradiction between—’
‘“Human knowledge is finite,”’ said Will, ‘“divine truth is infinite.” The Answer, chapter eleven.’
‘D’you believe everything the church says? All of it?’ asked Robin, forcing herself to turn and face him, his semi-erect penis in his hand.
‘“Persistent refusal to merge the self with the collective reveals ongoing egomotivity.” The Answer, chapter five.’
The motor of the lawnmower continued to roar right beside the glass doors.
‘For God’s sake,’ said Robin, trapped between Amandeep and the masturbating Will, ‘you’re really intelligent, why are you afraid of thinking, why d’you just keep quoting?’
‘“Materialist thought patterns are entrenched at a young age. Breaking those patterns requires, in the first instance, the focusing of the mind on essential truths through repetition and meditation.” The Answer, chap—’
‘So you’ve voluntarily brainwashed yourself?’
‘Get undressed!’
Will stood up, towering over her, his hand still working to maintain his erection. ‘It’s a sin to come in here for anything other than spirit bonding!’
‘If you force me to have sex with you,’ said Robin in a low voice, ‘it’ll be rape, and how will the UHC like being hit with a lawsuit?’
The lawnmower outside banged against the far wall of the cabin. Will’s hand stopped moving. He stood in front of her, painfully thin, still holding his penis.
‘Where have they taken Lin?’ Robin asked, determined to break through to him.
‘Somewhere safe,’ he said, before adding angrily, ‘but that’s nothing to do with you.’