Page 107 of Merciless
She screams again, thrashing around on the bed.
“I think my pet is a bit of a painslut,” I mutter, rubbing the scruff on my jaw as images of all the fun we could have with her play out in my mind.
“Get fucked. I don’t want anything from either of you.”
“Did you want to try convincing us of that when your juices are dripping from Reid’s knife?”
“Get the fuck out of my cell,” she bellows, her voice echoing off the walls.
“Why did he marry you, little dove? What are we missing?” JD tries again. But unlike everything else he’s managed to achieve this afternoon, he gets nothing but a scathing look.
“Come on,” I say. “A few hours tied to the bed, lying in her own wet patch might make her change her mind.”
JD gathers up the bowl of salt water and the moisturizer, and less than a minute later, I’m closing the door and locking her inside as she curses us out in as many creative ways as she can muster.
“Fuck me, that was hot, right?” JD says, turning to me with a wicked smile on his lips.
Lifting my hand, I point to his mouth. “You’ve got a little blood.”
“Get fucked, man,” I bark before turning toward the stairs. “Meet me in the ring in five.”
“Oh no,” he taunts as I walk away. “Not jealous at all. I can promise you though,” he continues when I make no attempt to respond, “hitting me won’t make it better.”
I leave the basement to the sound of his smug fucking laughter.
The only thing that cheers me up is knowing that he can’t possibly deal with that raging boner in only five minutes, and he knows it’s not worth the pain of being late.
It didn’t take long for the temperature in my cell to plummet once more. It seemed my relief and special treatment was long over.
I knew it wasn’t going to last. Looking back now, I just wish I appreciated it more while I had it.
Shivers rip through my bare body as I lie here with my arms still above my head, tied to the bed.
I rub my thighs together, but I’ve long forgotten about trying to get myself off after JD, once again, left me high and dry.
I was right there. Right fucking there and then he pulled that knife from my body, leaving me dangling with one foot right over the edge.
One day, I’m going to get him back for this shit.
I’m going to suck his cock so fucking good, and then right before he falls, I’m going to punch him in the balls and see how he likes the epic fall from grace.
He wasn’t wrong though. It was hot as fuck.
And the blood thing… the second I licked his palm and the copper taste flooded my mouth, I almost came. So fucking hot.
I’ve no idea if my cut is still bleeding; he did the cuffs so tight that both of my hands are numb. For all I know, I’m bleeding out all over the floor.
Although, if they are up there watching me on a screen somewhere then I’d like to think that they’d probably notice and wouldn’t actually let me die.
That would be too easy.
“I hope you’re enjoying this,” I shout, wishing I could do something to really piss them off.