Page 177 of Merciless
Silence ripples around the room as I glare at Kane, more than ready to continue what I just started. Meanwhile, Victor stands between us with a smug as fuck smirk on his face.
"I don't give a shit about that slut, so threaten her all you like. It's not going to help your cause,” he spits, making me growl like a feral beast.
How can he say that about my wife?
She’s my fucking wife. Alana Murray. She’s meant to be untouchable.
Wives aren’t allowed to be shared without explicit consent from their husbands, and I sure as shit didn’t agree to anything.
"You might not care, but he does," Kane says, tipping his chin in my direction. "And I know that you have very, very limited alliances in this world, but Razor and Maverick are two of them."
Unfuckinglikely. I’d rather side with Reid than his cunt of a father.
"There's one other though, isn't there, Victor? The outside world might think that all your sons are equally as important as each other to you, but they're not, are they?"
He takes a warning step forward, but Kane doesn’t so much as flinch.
"I guess people might assume that Reid is your favorite. He is your underboss. The one who will continue this legacy because it's his birthright. But he's not the one you've been grooming to be your little bitch, is he? He's not the one who's been going around doing your dirtiest, most evil tasks, is he?"
Victor pales, but I don’t give a shit.
Grayson Harris can burn in hell for all I care. He was being groomed to be as corrupt as Victor. As far as I’m concerned, we’re all better off without him here.
"You put so much effort into looking like you don't care, but we know the truth, don't we, Victor?"
"You don't know fuck-all about it."
"Don’t I?" Kane taunts.
"So I wouldn't know that you've sent men to London to infiltrate the Cirillo family because you think they have your youngest son?" Kane raises a brow as Victor's face begins to turn beet red. Kane’s smug as fuck that he knows all this and Victor has no idea. If I weren’t so fucking livid over what he just explained about Alana then I might be laughing right along with him.
It’s about time that someone took that cunt down a peg or two.
They continue bickering back and forth as my head continues to spin.
Kane has to be lying. He has to be.
I’d know if Alana was being pimped out by Victor. Wouldn’t I?
I hang my head as realization hits. This was my fault.
If I were giving her what she needed at home then maybe…
I don’t come back to reality until the safety being removed from a gun makes my vision clear.
"Go on shoot me,” Kane taunts as Victor aims the gun directly at his head. “But I can assure you that you'll never find him if you do."
"Vic," I plead.
"I don't give a shit about you or your business, Victor. I want to be as far away from you and everything you stand for as possible. I'll keep your fucking secrets, how sick and twisted you are. It'll be like I was never here."
"And Alana and Gray?" Victor asks, as if he's considering his offer.
"In time, I'll make sure they're delivered back to you safely."