Page 34 of Merciless
They want an easy lay, some alcohol, and a free hit or two if they're lucky. That is the extent of their pointless lives.
I want more than that.
I always have. Not that I’ve ever had a taste of anything better.
I’ve been forced to move around from place to place my entire life. This place is one of the only homes I’ve ever known, despite living in more houses than I can remember now.
All of them, especially the bad ones, have blurred into one big clusterfuck of painful memories and experiences.
Alana’s different though.She’s nothing like the club whores we’re used to. She doesn’t have stars in her eyes when she looks at us. She doesn’t think we’re special because of the positions we hold.
She’s never been one to hang around the clubhouse all hours of the night in the hopes of a high or an easy way out. Hell, she’s hardly ever there. I can’t help but think it’s the last place in the world she wants to be.
Mav’s the same. He might be Razor’s son, but that doesn’t mean he lives his life like his father.Not any more, that is.
He and Alana have a private life. He works, does his duty to the Hawks and then he disappears. Goes home I assume to what… not fuck his wife.
Why the hell wouldn’t he? She’s smoking.
She literally has his ring on her finger and he won’t touch her.
What the actual fuck?
I’d be all over that if she were walking around town wearing my ring and using my last name.
Not that I want a wife or that kind of life, of course.
I fucking love being free and single. I don’t want anyone keeping tabs on how late I stay out or how much I drink. It’s bad enough I have Reid following my ass around the house, pointing out what a messy fucker I am.
I love living here with him. It’s what we spent all our teenage years planning.
We can do exactly what we want, and have complete freedom.
The manor house is no secret. You can see it sitting high up on its hill from almost every single place in Harrow Creek. The main town sits in a valley and we both look over it like motherfucking kings.
I can’t lie, though. There is something appealing about the thought of having a woman here to come home to. And I don’t mean in the chauvinistic way of doing the washing and cleaning or any of that shit.
The image of crashing onto the couch with a woman, our limbs tangled together as we rip at each other’s clothes, desperate to have each other, fills my mind. And before I know what I’m doing, my fingers are wrapped around my shaft and I’m stroking myself as I think about having a certain blonde ride me right where Reid could walk in and catch us at any point.
It sure wouldn’t be the first time he’s seen something along those lines. Hell, the two of us are about as close as two straight guys can get. We’ve got into all sorts of shit together over the years.
But seeing his reaction to her since she’s been locked up downstairs makes me wonder just how he’d react.
He seems to have staked some fucked-up claim on her, despite the fact he’s probably down there torturing her right now.
The thought of him doing exactly that makes my jealousy soar, but fuck if my hand also doesn’t pick up its pace.
The thought of watching him bring her to ruin is way more tempting than I think it should be.
Fuck. I bet she’s so beautiful when she falls apart.
“Oh shit.” I groan as my release slams into me and I spill my seed all over the shower floor.
My muscles relax, but only a little bit, as my fantasy continues playing out in my mind.
Might need to up my stealth skills when I go back down, see if I can catch him up to something he shouldn’t be.