Page 49 of Merciless
“That’s it?” I balk. “She’s fucking vanished and you’re going to do nothing about it?”
“Pussy comes and goes, Mav. Probably for the best you get used to it,” Victor states coldly.
“She’s not just some pussy, though. Is she?” I bellow, ripping my eyes from Victor’s, levelling Alana’s cunt of a father with a glare that most would shy away from. Not that prick, though. He’s as cold and corrupt and as the man he’s sitting next to.
I wasn’t expecting him to care about Alana’s disappearance. He hasn’t cared about her well-being since the day she was born. All he wanted her for was entertainment. Sick fuck.
The day I get to pull the trigger and put that motherfucker in the ground can’t come soon enough.
Both of them. All of them. Every asshole in this room can follow right behind for all I care. Then I’m going to take my wife’s hand and we’re going to walk out of this shithole once and for all and start over somewhere new. Somewhere no one knows us, where we can be the people we were meant to be before the toxicity of our lives dug its claws in and dripped poison through our veins.
I’m addicted to seeing her smile, the lightness in her blue eyes in the moments where she lets go and forgets about our reality, her past. It’s everything.
I want to give her everything she deserves and start over. Together.
I’ve given her everything I’ve been able to up until now. Everything I’m willing to while we’re still surrounded by her past. Every night she has terrors and I wake up to her screaming. Every single night those motherfuckers pull her back into their clutches and punish her. They’re still in control of her life and I fucking hate it.
She deserves so much more.
I’m not worthy of giving it to her, though. Not really. I might not be as bad as the men of her past, but I’m not fucking good either. I’ve got more blood on my hands than she knows about, and I’m guilty of so much more.
I’d do it every fucking day if I could banish everything that haunts her. And if it comes to it, I’ll make the ultimate sacrifice if it means she gets to leave it all behind.
Unless it’s too late and she’s already found her escape.
The thought of her leaving me rips through my chest. The reality of her giving up on me hurts more than I ever thought it would.
She wouldn’t just walk away. Not after everything. It’s too easy.
I hold on to that little voice with both hands.
Someone knows something. They have to.
Yes, women might vanish in plain sight almost daily in a place like the Creek, but not Alana. Not the wife of one of the highest-ranking Hawks.
Just like I’m not stupid enough to put a bullet in Victor, they shouldn’t be stupid enough to take what belongs to me.
I want to shout, and demand answers from her father, for all the things he put her through. But what’s the point? He’s never shown an ounce of remorsein the past, why should I expect him to care now?
A pair of hands forcefully shove me forward and when I glance back, I find my father glaring at me.
JD holds the door open, allowing us to slip out, followed by Alana’s father.
“He’s right, you know. You really should have put her on a shorter leash if you wanted to keep her in check. We all know that whores like Alana don’t stick around long,” JD taunts.
I surge forward with my fists clenched ready to land a blow or two that I hope will help to expel some of the restless energy that’s buzzing through my veins.
But I don’t get close enough to even throw the punch I crave because Dad’s solid arm darts out, stopping me.
“She’s not a whore,” I seethe. “She’s nothing like the girls downstairs. She’s not selling her cunt for whatever she can get.”
“Are you sure about that?” JD asks, his signature smirk fully in place on his lips.
“I know my wife.”
“So well it seems that she vanished and you’ve no idea where she’s gone.”
My teeth grind and my nostrils flare as I glare at him.