Page 8 of The Echo of Violence
“Is it weird that I’m picturing the fuckfest that’s about to take place down there?” Eightball asks me as Boomer, one of the brothers who has recently transferred from the mother chapter, walks over and takes Scope’s seat.
“You on bitch duty?”
“If you’re asking me if I’ll suck your dick, you better buy me a drink first.” He grimaces before looking away.
Eightball looks at me and grins. Neither of us has warmed up to the guy. I mean, he’s our brother, so we have his back. But despite him being a few years younger than us, he has an old-school personality that grates on me.
I pull a bottle of beer from the fridge and twist the top off before leaving it in front of him and walking around the other side of the bar. There is no way I’m spending the night stuck behind there. I signal to Spoon, one of the prospects I spotted earlier, who hits Peep, the other one, in the chest to get his attention before they both approach me.
“Both of you are on bar duty. I’ll get one of the bunnies to help you out if it gets busy later. We got a couple of brothers coming in from the mother chapter.”
“Sure thing, Knight,” Spoon answers.
“Who’s coming in?” Boomer asks.
“Viper, Grim, and whoever else wants to.”
He doesn’t say anything to that, so I turn and head over to Splinter on the sofa, Eightball falling into step beside me.
“What’s his problem?”
“Who, Boomer? He’s just an asshole. He thinks his dick is bigger than everyone else’s. His dad, Knuckles, has been with the Chaos Demons for years, so he thinks that makes him special. Only he forgets that his dad is an asshole too.”
“Most bikers I know have a chip on their shoulder, but it’s more than that. I just can’t get a read on him. For instance, I get the impression he transferred because of bad blood with the mother chapter, yet he doesn’t seem to care about fitting in here. Plus, I’ve seen how he looks at Mercy. If Scope catches him, he’ll feed him his dick.”
“How does he look at her?” I glance over at him with a frown.
“Like a bunny. Less than a bunny, actually. I don’t know if he has a beef with her because of her ties to Carnage or because of whose old lady she is.”
“Keep an eye on him. He has no idea what lengths Scope will go to for Mercy. He might be our president, and he might be all about the brotherhood, but he would shoot us all without blinking if the alternative was losing Mercy.”
“You know how fucked up that is, right?”
“Scope was never sane, to begin with. We knew that when we chose to follow him.”
Eightball laughs as he sits on the sofa beside Splinter and tugs Ginger into his lap. She squeals and wraps her arms around his neck as I take the free chair nearest Splinter.
“Hey, Knight,” Daisy purrs from his lap, looking over at me as Splinter pulls his mouth from her tit.
“What’s up?” He looks at me before tapping Daisy on the ass. “Grab me a beer.”
Knowing better than to argue, she pouts and climbs to her feet, slipping her exposed boob back inside her tank top.
“You good?” He leans forward and studies me. Out of all the brothers, Splinter is the one I’ve known the longest.
“Yeah, just thought I’d come over and shoot the shit. Wasn’t trying to cock-block you.”
He leans back and grins. “You’re not. We both know she’ll be more than willing to get down on her knees right here and now and suck me off.”
I chuckle. I can’t argue with that. There is no modesty in the clubhouse.
“It’s good to see you here, anyway, Knight. I thought I’d done something to piss you off. It’s been a while.”
“Been busy.” I give him the same excuse I gave the others, but he isn’t buying it.
“We’re all busy. Still make time for the club, though.”
I drop my head forward, feeling like a motherfucker.