Page 32 of Only for Christmas
‘I would say “Please don’t grass me up,” seeing as smoking on the premises is strictly against hospital protocols,’ she said, drawing on her cigarette. ‘But seeing as you’re attempting to climb out of a cleaning cupboard window, I’m guessing my secret is safe.’
‘I can explain,’ Sarah said, hoping she wouldn’t have to.
‘No need. I’ve heard the rumours. Stephen’s a piece of work.’ She stubbed out her cigarette on the wall. ‘I’ll fetch the cavalry.’ She disappeared inside before Sarah could stop her.
Cursing, Sarah tried to wriggle through the gap before realising if she continued she’d land headfirst in the flowerbed. Reversing, she turned around and eased one leg out of the window. Holding on to the wall racking, she lifted her other leg, only just managing to push it through the gap before the inevitable happened.
‘I thought Carla must’ve been smoking weed,’ Lucas said, from below. ‘There’s no way you would seriously attempt to climb out of a window. But here you are, doing just that. Do you need a hand?’
‘No.’ She was aware that her bum was now hanging out of the window, her skirt stretched so tight that she feared it might split. ‘On seconds thought, yes.’
‘You realise I’ll have to touch you?’
She bit her lip. What had she ever done to deserve this? ‘Fine. But no funny business.’
‘My game does not involve manhandling women incapacitated by hanging out of a window. And why are you climbing out of a window?’ he said, sliding his arms around her legs.
‘I’m trying to avoid Stephen.’
‘A little drastic, don’t you think?’ His grip tightened as he tried to balance her on his shoulder.
‘Probably.’ Especially as the end result was having Lucas’s face squashed into her backside.
‘Are things really that bad?’
‘All I know is that he makes my skin crawl.’ She eased her body fully out of the window, gripping hold of the ledge so she didn’t fall. ‘He’s constantly wanting me to attend unnecessary meetings, have lunch with him, and he won’t take no for an answer. I have no idea whether he’s being genuine and it’s his way of bonding over work, or whether he’s pushing for more. Maybe I’m being paranoid.’
‘I doubt it. Don’t let go of the window ledge.’
‘I’ve no intentions of letting go.’ She was past the point of no return now, her torso hanging out of the window, and hoping and praying no one was watching. ‘I was convinced the roses were from you.’
‘I wish they had been.’
‘Why do you say that?’ Her knees scraped painfully against the wall.
‘You had no worries about putting me in my place. Not so easy to do when it’s the guy paying your wages.’
‘Right, I think I’ve got you. You can let go.’
‘You only think you’ve got me? Could I have a little more assurance than that, please?’
‘I’m standing on soft soil. Your entire body weight is resting on my shoulder. If I drop you it’ll cause me as much pain as you. Trust me, this is the best assurance I can give.’
‘Fair enough.’ She took a deep breath. ‘Here goes.’
She released her hold and immediately dropped a few inches, before a pair of strong arms caught her and held her aloft.
She was now lying in Lucas’s arms, in a flowerbed, in full view of the car park. And she’d thought her day couldn’t get any worse.
Lucas smiled down at her. ‘We made it.’
He was ridiculously close. Inevitable, really, seeing as how she was lying in his arms. But still, did he have to smell so good? Was it necessary for him to work out so much? And why did one hand have to be quite so close to her breast? ‘Can you put me down, please?’
‘Sure.’ He carefully lifted her out of the flowerbed and onto firmer ground. ‘You okay?’
‘I’m fine.’ When she glanced up from straightening her skirt, she was met with a pair of raised eyebrows. ‘What?’