Page 39 of Only for Christmas
‘I’m guessing not.’ He got up and headed for the door. ‘Coming!’
‘Have you seen Fred?’ Sarah said, the moment he opened the door.
‘Hi to you too… and yes, he’s here.’ He stood back to let her in.
‘You have my dog?’ She brushed past him, looking annoyed, and smelling a damned sight sweeter than she sounded. ‘Why do you have my dog? How did he get in here? How long has he been here? You didn’t think to let me know? Is he okay?’ She swung around, searching for her companion. ‘Where is he?’
‘Jesus, that’s a hell of a load of questions. You’re making my head hurt. And he’s on my couch.’
He followed her through to the lounge, where she launched herself at Fred. ‘There you are!’
‘I think he came in through the fire escape. I’ve only just got home, so I’ve no idea how long he’s been here.’
Sarah cupped the dog’s face in her hands. ‘You had me worried, Fred. I’ve been looking all over for you. I thought you’d been run over. Or dognapped. But no, here you are, acting like Lord Muck.’
Lucas perched against the armchair. ‘Who’s Lord Muck?’
‘A haughty person with ideas above their station. Like Fred here.’ She tried to look stern. ‘And don’t try the whimpering act on me; it won’t work.’ She gave him a cuddle, not seeming to care if it crumpled her work uniform. ‘Maybe your punishment will be a trip to Battersea Dogs Home tomorrow. I should, you know.’
Fred’s whimpering increased.
Sarah glanced up at Lucas and blew her bangs away from her eyes. ‘What are you grinning at?’
‘I’m getting an insight into you as a mom. Tough love, huh? You know darned well you ain’t taking him to the pound tomorrow.’
Sarah raised an eyebrow. ‘Ain’t?’
‘Sorry, I’ve been spending too much time with Mrs Kelsey. Her accent is rubbing off on me. What is she, like a cockney, or something?’
‘Closer to Essex I suspect, but she’s definitely got that EastEnders twang.’ She pulled Fred onto her lap. ‘And why are you spending so much time with Mrs Kelsey? Are you a glutton for punishment?’
‘I’ve no idea what that means, but I’ve been visiting her because she’s poorly and refuses to see her own doctor.’
‘Oh.’ Sarah frowned. ‘I hope she’s okay. Anything I can help with?’
‘Does anyone do food shopping for her?’
‘Apart from me, I’ve no idea. When I ask her if she needs anything, she usually tells me to bugger off and stop interfering and to mind my own business. Recently I’ve started leaving a few bits on her doorstep and running away before she sees me.’ Sarah shivered and rubbed her hands together. ‘Why’s it so cold in here? Is your heating broken?’
‘I left the window open by mistake.’
‘Oh, right.’ When she looked up, she gave him a questioning look. ‘What? Why are you looking at me like that? What have I done?’
‘You haven’t done anything. It just occurred to me that you’re a really nice person.’
She gave him a loaded look. ‘And this is a shock?’
‘You normally hide it so well.’
She poked her tongue out. ‘I can be nice.’
‘I know you can. I’m teasing.’ Smiling, he slumped into the armchair. ‘How was work today? Any issues with Stephen?’
‘Call me chicken, but I arranged back-to-back staff appraisals so I was never alone, even for a minute.’ She unclipped her hair and let it tumble onto her shoulders. ‘Three times I saw him hovering outside my office looking annoyed because I was forever in a meeting.’
‘Doesn’t sound like he’s getting the message.’
‘I know.’ She grimaced. ‘He sent me a curt email asking for an urgent meeting. Can’t say I’m looking forward to it.’ She looked around the room. ‘Your flat is very different to mine. It’s very modern.’