Page 42 of Only for Christmas
Chapter Nine
Thursday, 15th December
After a trying couple of weeks at work, not helped by the incompetent builders who had taken over two weeks to fix the wheelchair ramp, Sarah was finally able to sign off the work and confirm with the local authority that the Queen Adelaide Hospital was compliant with Disability Discrimination Act regulations.
It was a weight off her mind, but any relief she felt was short-lived when she returned to her office, and Georgia said, ‘You have a visitor waiting for you in your office.’
Sarah glanced over, wondering if it was Lucas, but knowing it was more likely to be Stephen. She hadn’t seen Lucas since Tuesday – not since he’d told her she was the most ‘messed-up person he knew’. The truth had stung. His apology note slid under her door later that night was heartfelt, but not enough to ease her embarrassment. Avoiding him was safest.
‘It’s the boss,’ Georgia said, making a slicing motion across her neck. ‘He’s been waiting for ages. It must be important. Are you in the shit?’
‘Not as far as I know.’ Sarah’s stomach flipped at the idea of dealing with Stephen. Could she sneak out before he spotted her? It was tempting, but she didn’t want her colleagues witnessing such a blatant affront to the hierarchy.
‘Best go and see what he wants,’ Georgia said, her desk covered in glitter from the tinsel wrapped around her computer screen. ‘Maybe it’s a pay rise?’
Sarah doubted that. She’d been actively avoiding Stephen all week. He’d clearly got tired of waiting for her to respond to his messages and had hunted her down.
Steeling herself, she headed for her office. It was the only space devoid of festive decorations. Her team had gone full out this year with a real tree, ceiling garlands and an inflatable Santa perched on one of the chairs, looking like he worked there. Thankfully, her team knew better than to decorate her office and had left the space festive-free.
Stephen was flicking through the papers on her desk when she entered, which immediately put her back up. He might be head honcho around here, but HR records were confidential. The staff had a right to their privacy.
‘Busy day?’ he said as she hung up her coat.
‘No different to any other day,’ she said, rebuttoning her suit jacket in an effort to look business-like. ‘There’s always something that needs my attention. This afternoon it was inspecting the new wheelchair ramp at the rear of the building.’
‘A woman of many talents.’
She didn’t return his smile. ‘Can I help you with something?’
‘You’ve been avoiding me.’ He walked over to the door and closed it. Her office suddenly felt very confined, even with the glass front.
‘I’ve been busy.’
He looked around the room, probably looking for clues about her and failing to find any. She’d deliberately kept her workspace neutral. Mainly because she had nothing to add: no photos of a partner or children, nothing to indicate anything about her personal life. Instead, the studded walls were filled with posters promoting equality and dignity in the workplace – something she hoped Stephen might take note of.
‘I’ve requested several meetings,’ he said, his eyes landing on her.
‘I’m aware of that.’ She headed over to her desk. ‘And I’ve replied to your messages requesting an agenda. I’m not sure what’s so urgent we need to meet up. Your predecessor was content with monthly management meetings and email updates.’
He leant against the door. ‘I prefer a more hands-on approach.’
‘Unfortunately, I don’t have enough space in my diary to accommodate that.’ Sarah busied herself tidying papers on her desk.
‘You’re refusing to meet with me?’
She pulled open a filing cabinet drawer, trying to stem the shake in her hands. ‘I’m simply asking for more consideration of my time. A collective meeting with the other department heads where a number of topics can be discussed would be more time-efficient.’
‘You’re making it hard for me to get to know you, Sarah.’ He moved away from the door. ‘I want us to be more than colleagues. I care about you. I’d like for us to pursue a relationship outside of work.’
Sarah stilled. Had she heard right? If she’d been unsure about his intentions before, she was left in no doubt now.
‘Are you free this evening? There’s a new Greek restaurant down the road from where you live. Shall a book a table for seven? I can pick you up.’
Several things whizzed around her head. He knew where she lived? He wanted more than a work relationship? She focused on the immediate issue. ‘I have plans tonight.’
He watched her fumbling with the filing cabinet. ‘Tomorrow evening, then?’
‘I’m busy tomorrow.’