Page 47 of Only for Christmas
A situation made worse when Lucas called out, ‘Hello!’
Sarah felt her face grow hot. She just hoped he hadn’t heard their conversation about vibrators. Heading into the hall, she checked her appearance in the mirror and opened the door. ‘Harper’s through here,’ she said, walking off before he could reply.
He caught her arm. ‘Still mad at me, huh?’
‘Why would you think that?’ She turned to glare at him.
Before he could answer, Harper came into the hallway and threw her arms around him. ‘Lucas! Am I glad to see you. Can I stay at your place tonight? The boys are with Paul.’
‘Sure,’ he said, meeting Sarah’s gaze over the top of his sister’s head.
‘Thanks so much for the chocolate.’ Harper turned to hug Sarah. ‘And for the advice. It really helped.’
‘Oh, well, you know… us girls have to stick together. Seeing as how we’re so messed up, and all that.’ She gave Lucas a pointed look.
Lucas flinched. ‘You’re not going to let me forget that, are you?’
Sarah’s hands went to her hips. ‘What do you think?’
A long beat passed where they both stared at each other.
Harper looked between them. ‘Am I missing something?’
‘No,’ they said in unison.
‘Don’t forget your clothes,’ Sarah said, handing Harper her bag. ‘I hope things work out for you. Take care of yourself.’
‘You too, girlfriend. I’ll get these clothes back to you as soon as possible. And you take care of yourself, too.’ Harper made a buzzing sound. ‘Know what I mean?’
Sarah blushed.
Lucas raised an eyebrow. ‘Anything I should know about?’
‘Definitely not,’ Sarah said, shutting the door firmly behind them.
That was one conversation she most certainly wasn’t having with Lucas Moore.
Chapter Ten
Friday, 16th December
Lucas wasn’t needed at the hospital – they had enough locum cover – so he’d spent a relaxing day with his sister, if you could call drafting a response to Paul’s solicitor’s letter relaxing. But it was done now, all the points were covered and Harper had appreciated the support. She seemed less fragile today, still broken, but talking about the future rather than dwelling on the past. He figured that had to be a good thing. Whatever Sarah had said to her yesterday had helped, which just made him feel even worse about questioning her ability to act as his sister’s counsellor.
His nephews finished school today for the holidays, so they’d taken them for pancakes at a joint in town. Both boys had eaten so much chocolate sauce they’d ended up feeling sick and were now on the couch watching one of the Marvel movies.
Harper seemed less morose after their trip out, so he’d left them to their evening on the couch, no longer concerned about leaving sharp knives in the house. Harper’s rage seemed to have subsided, thankfully.
Ironic that instead of heading into town to see a show, or hanging out at a fancy bar in Soho like most guys his age, his Friday evening involved running errands for Diana Kelsey. She hadn’t asked him, he knew she never would, but she was definitely less volatile now and a fraction more receptive to being helped.
He carried the shopping bags down the steps leading to the basement flat. It wasn’t an ideal setting for someone with mobility issues. Navigating the steep drop, uneven paving and slippery surface in the dark was a challenge for him, let alone someone who used a walking frame.
He’d barely knocked when he heard her shuffling towards the door. She no longer resisted him visiting, which had to be a positive.
‘You’re late,’ she said, opening the door.
‘Nice to see you too.’ He grinned at her. ‘Missed me?’
‘You should be so lucky. Get in here.’ She headed off down the hallway, allowing him to follow. ‘And close the door behind you.’