Page 63 of Only for Christmas
The boys ran off, and once again he was struck by what a natural she was with them. It seemed crazy that she purposely denied herself the opportunity of meeting someone and having her own kids, but it wasn’t like he was going to point that out. He couldn’t imagine she’d appreciate his opinion. And he was having too much fun to ruin their day out.
They headed over to the marquee and joined the queue, which quickly shifted forwards. It was soon their turn to meet Santa.
Sarah led Elliot over to the big guy dressed in his characteristic red suit. She perched on a chair and pulled Elliot onto her lap. ‘Can you believe it’s really him?’ she said, in an excited whisper. For someone with an aversion to Christmas, she was doing a good job of playing along.
‘Hello, young man. And what’s your name?’ Santa Claus asked, in his deep rumbling voice.
‘I’m Elliot Evans. I’m seven years old. And I’d like a ring-tailed lemur for Christmas.’
Santa Claus let out one of his ho-ho-ho chuckles. ‘I hope not a real one? They can be tricky creatures. Maybe a toy lemur would be safer.’ He leant closer. ‘Have you been a good boy this year?’
Elliot nodded, his face full of awe.
‘Then I hope you get what you wish for. Merry Christmas, young man.’ He let out another ho-ho-ho and handed Elliot a bag of Haribo.
They swapped seats and Lucas took Max over to visit Santa next.
Max asked for drawing pencils and an England football kit. He told Santa he’d mostly been a good boy, except for the time he’d broken his dad’s phone by hitting it with a football, and he didn’t eat as many vegetables as he was supposed to, but apart from that he’d been a good boy.
Santa belted out another ho-ho-ho and whispered in Max’s ear that he didn’t like vegetables either, but he always ate his carrots, although he’d save a few for his reindeer.
Exiting the tent with bags of sweets and smiles on their faces, it was evident the boys’ energy levels were flagging. So, after watching the elves ‘Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree’, Sarah suggested they head to the Smugglers Cafe in town for lunch.
Lucas wondered whether it was such a good idea spending so much time with someone he wanted, but who was never going to want him back. Was he being masochistic by torturing himself? But the idea of not seeing her was far worse. He’d be back home in the States soon; he wouldn’t be able to see her at all then, and Jesus, wasn’t that depressing.
After lunch, they ambled home, looking at the festive shop displays and enjoying the smell of roasting chestnuts.
As they passed an antique shop, Sarah paused to glance at the crafts set up in the window.
‘Isn’t that unusual?’ she said, shielding her eyes from the low winter sun. ‘I’ve never seen anything like that before.’ She pointed to the collection of vintage-style silver and gold candles displayed on a gold frame. The frame was wider at the bottom, shrinking to a point at the top, making it look like a Christmas tree. ‘It’s so clever.’
‘That would look great in your apartment,’ he said, an idea forming in his mind. ‘A nod to Christmas, but without being too full-on.’
Sarah seemed curious. ‘They are pretty.’
Lucas needed allies to nudge her over the line. ‘What about it, boys? Shall we get this display for Sarah as a thank you for a fun day out?’
‘Yes!’ Elliot jumped up and down, making Fred bark.
Max giggled. ‘Fred likes it too.’
Ignoring Sarah’s protests, Lucas headed inside and purchased the set.
It was a bit bulky to carry home, especially up two flights of steps, but it was worth the effort. The boys threw off their coats, hats and scarves, and began unwrapping the candles from their tissue paper. Sarah moved her furniture to make room in front of the fireplace, and together they set up the supporting frame and added the candles.
When they were done, Sarah stood back and admired the display. ‘One final addition,’ she said, placing the lantern Lucas had bought her at the antiques fair on top of the mantel. She positioned the robins either side. ‘How does that look?’
‘Perfect.’ Lucas enjoyed seeing her smile. ‘Do you have matches?’
Sarah fetched them from the kitchen and lit the candles. ‘Doesn’t that look festive.’
Lucas studied her, hoping she wasn’t pretending for his sake. ‘Is that okay?’
‘Surprisingly so, yes.’ She turned to him and smiled. ‘Thank you for my gift. I love it.’ She addressed the boys. ‘I recorded a film earlier. Who wants to watch Get Santa?’
Elliot and Max raced for the couch, followed by Fred, who snuggled in between them.
Setting up the film and drawing the curtains, Sarah covered them with a throw. Within a few minutes of the film starting, their eyelids began drooping.