Page 79 of Only for Christmas
Her head was whirling with panic. ‘What grounds do you have for making a complaint, Stephen? My work is satisfactory, I was given an excellent rating at my last annual appraisal and my conduct in the workplace is professional at all times.’
‘You call kissing Doctor Moore in the car park professional conduct?’
She recoiled at the force in his voice. ‘No less so than sending an employee flowers… or buying her a dress to wear… or showing up at her home uninvited.’
He pointed a finger at her. ‘I’ve already explained myself. I was concerned about you.’
She bumped into the wall behind. ‘How… how did you even get my address?’
‘You gave it to me.’
‘No, I didn’t.’ She was full on trembling now. ‘You’re lying.’
‘Lying?’ Before she knew what was happening, he’d grabbed her arm. ‘You’re accusing me of lying? That only adds more weight to my complaint about your conduct.’
She tried to dislodge his hand. ‘I also know you’ve been hanging around outside my flat. I’ve seen you.’
His eyes narrowed. ‘Another accusation you can’t back up with any evidence.’ His body was pressed against hers, pinning her against the wall.
‘That’s where you’re wrong, Stephen. I have enough evidence to submit a claim for sexual harassment in the workplace. Now let go of my arm.’
‘Evidence like what? Your boyfriend backing up your story? No one’s going to believe him. His contract has been terminated with the hospital. He’s no longer a member of staff. His testimony will count for nothing.’
‘What about the dress you sent me? The emails? The flowers? And my neighbour saw your car the other night.’
He laughed, a bitter sound. ‘That batty old lady? How old is she? I’m sure her eyesight excludes her as being a reliable witness. As for the flowers and emails, they were simply an expression of my gratitude for all your hard work. As demonstrated this evening when I publicly thanked you.’
She tried to push him away. ‘I still have the dress.’
‘No, you don’t.’ His hand came up and grabbed her by the throat. ‘Lucas returned it, remember? So there’s no evidence and no witnesses to back up your claim. You have nothing. I’m warning you, if you dare breathe a word of complaint against me, I’ll sue you for defamation of character. But only after you’ve been fired for gross misconduct, with no notice, and no reference. Do I make myself clear?’
‘You’re hurting me.’
He increased his grip. ‘I said, do I make myself clear?’
‘Let go of me, or I’ll start screaming.’
‘There’s no one around to hear.’
She screamed.
And screamed some more.
And when he released his hand and tried to cover her mouth, she brought her knee up hard between his legs.
Chapter Sixteen
The ball was in full swing. The champagne was spilling over, the music had switched from classical to power ballads and the dancefloor was packed with people waving their arms about. As interesting as it was to hear about Vince’s experience working in Houston, Lucas wanted to check on Sarah. She’d been gone a while and he’d promised to stay with her tonight; her absence was making him edgy. He searched the crowds, but he couldn’t see her. The place was packed; he worried they might never find each other again.
He was at the point of politely excusing himself from the conversation and going off in search of her, when someone tugged on his jacket sleeve.
He turned to find Sarah’s work colleague Georgia looking kind of buzzed and unsteady on her heels. Her red lipstick was smudged and she reeked of alcohol. Standing beside her was another of Sarah’s colleagues, Jafrina. She shared her friend’s anxious expression, although without the effects of too much champagne.
‘You have to come quickly,’ Georgia said, tugging his arm. ‘It’s Sarah – she’s in trouble.’ Without waiting for a response, she turned and dragged him through the crowd.
Looking alarmed, Carla followed them. ‘It’s not Stephen, is it?’
Jafrina seemed taken aback. ‘Why would you think that?’