Page 83 of Only for Christmas
As for Lucas… he had no idea what he felt. Mostly numb.
Tyler waited until the video had stopped playing. ‘I was about to call for help, but then Sarah managed to break free. I stopped the recording and called security.’
The male cop addressed Stephen. ‘You’re required to accompany us to the station for questioning, sir.’
Stephen wasn’t having it. ‘I will do no such thing. He’s fabricated the video, doctored it. It’s not what happened.’
‘I’m sure we’ll get to the bottom of it once we’re at the station. This way.’ The cop took Stephen by the arm. ‘You do not have to say anything, but it may harm your defence…’
Leaving her colleague to read Stephen his rights, the female cop came over to Sarah. ‘Do you need medical attention before making a statement?’
Sarah shook her head. ‘I’m okay. But I need my other shoe.’
Georgia sprang into action. ‘Don’t worry, I’ll find it.’
‘I’m coming with her to the station.’ Lucas was prepared to argue with the cop if he had to. ‘I’m her boyfriend. I need to be with her.’
‘That’s fine.’ The cop turned to Tyler. ‘You too, sir. We’ll need you to make a statement, and I’ll need to take your phone as evidence.’ She unfolded a plastic bag from her pocket. Tyler dropped the phone inside.
Having located her shoe, Sarah wiped her hands on her dress and indicated she was ready to go.
Leaving Carla, Georgia and Jafrina looking collectively distressed, the rest of them headed towards the exit with the two cops.
Sarah was unsteady on her feet, so Lucas held her up, relieved when she didn’t object. She offered him a weak smile as they made it outside. ‘Thanks.’
‘No problem, honey.’ He could feel her whole body shaking as they walked towards the cop car parked on the walkway. ‘Stay strong,’ he whispered. ‘Stephen can’t argue his way out of this one. We have proof.’
‘Thank goodness for Tyler,’ she said, her fingers gripping his.
‘He’s a smart man.’ He kissed the side of her head, wanting to take away her pain and protect her from all this trauma. She’d been through enough in her life. She deserved so much more.
‘Don’t leave me,’ she said shakily.
‘I won’t,’ he said, lowering her into the cop car. ‘I love you.’
Chapter Seventeen
Saturday, 24th December
It had been an odd night, to say the least. Sarah wasn’t sure she’d slept at all. It was gone three a.m. by the time they’d arrived home from the police station having made their statements. The officers had been very kind and assured her she was doing the right thing in making a formal complaint. Stephen had been charged with assault and harassment, and had been instructed to refrain from making any contact with her. She wondered how that would play out at work. Would the board of directors suspend him? Maybe they’d side with Stephen and sack her instead. Somehow she doubted Stephen would pay for his crimes. He was too wily, with a set of expensive lawyers who would spin the whole thing on its head and make it look like a misunderstanding. Was it any wonder she hadn’t slept?
Stirring, she rolled over to discover two males sharing her bed.
‘Morning.’ Lucas was petting Fred; the cheeky dog had wiggled his way in between them.
When Lucas had suggested staying the night, she hadn’t had the energy to argue with him. Besides, she’d been glad of the company. Her nerves were still on edge, triggered by recollections of Stephen grabbing her, pushing her against the wall and his hand squeezing the air from her throat.
She shuffled into a seated position against the headboard. ‘Did you get any sleep?’
‘Not really. You?’ He’d propped himself onto one elbow. He was bare-chested and wearing nothing but a pair of boxer shorts. He made quite an impact lying in her narrow bed, his masculinity at odds with her Cath Kidston floral bedsheets. Having Lucas stay over hadn’t been an issue last night; she’d been too traumatised to worry about her hormones getting the better of her. In the cold light of day, it was a different matter entirely.
She pulled the duvet higher, checking she was still wearing her winter pyjamas. ‘I didn’t sleep much, no.’
‘Understandable in the circumstances. Can I get you a cup of tea?’
It was such a minor gesture in the scheme of things, and yet part of her still wanted to refuse. She was becoming too reliant on this man. She needed to return to being self-sufficient and taking care of herself. Letting him look after her gave out the wrong signals, and that wasn’t fair. But then, refusing his offer would be self-harming too. She had a bitch of a sore throat and a cup of tea was desperately needed.
‘Yes, please,’ she said, grateful for his thoughtfulness. ‘That would be lovely.’