Page 87 of Only for Christmas
Lucas stood in the kitchen doorway, his sad smile a reflection of his understanding. He’d know Sarah’s heart was breaking. Giving away Fred wasn’t what she wanted. But he’d also know rehoming him to a loving family who would adore him was the next best solution.
Harper clapped her hands. ‘Right, we’ve interrupted Sarah’s Christmas Eve enough. Let’s get Fred’s things packed into the car and then we’ll take him for a walk around the block before the journey home.’ Harper caught Sarah’s arm. ‘I assume it’s okay to take his things? Sorry, I should’ve checked first.’
Sarah waved away her concerns. ‘Of course, the stuff’s no use to me.’
Besides, she didn’t need the reminder. The loss was going to be tough enough without seeing his lead or empty bed lying on the floor.
‘I should warn you, he’s supposed to sleep in his own bed, but he has a habit of climbing onto mine in the middle of the night when he thinks I’m asleep.’
‘I would love that!’ Max hugged Fred.
Elliot jumped about. ‘Me too! He can sleep on my bed.’
‘Well, not mine,’ Harper said, rolling her eyes. ‘Anything else I should know about?’
Sarah shook her head. ‘I’ll message you if I think of anything. He’s an angel, really. No trouble at all. The perfect family dog.’ She clenched her jaw so she wouldn’t cry. ‘Remember to give him lots of cuddles.’
‘And treats,’ Elliot said, as Fred licked his fingers.
‘Thank you for taking care of him, boys.’ Sarah turned to Harper and lowered her voice. ‘I don’t think I can cope saying goodbye to him, so just take him. Leave as if you were coming back. I can’t deal with anything more today.’
‘I get it.’ Harper hugged Sarah tightly. ‘You come over soon, okay? Don’t be a stranger.’
Sarah stayed behind in the flat while Lucas helped Harper and the boys collect Fred’s things together and load up the car. They left in a flurry of laughter and shouts of ‘Merry Christmas!’ and thanking her for their presents. It was chaos, accompanied by barking, dropping toys and bumping into furniture.
The real killer was when Fred paused by the front door and looked back at her. It was like he knew, and Sarah felt her heart split in two.
‘Bye bye, Fred. I love you,’ she whispered, turning away so he wouldn’t see her cry. This was what she’d tried so hard to avoid. The torment of being left. Again. Her heart wasn’t strong enough to cope.
It was only when she heard the door shut and the flat descend into a deathly silence that she sank to her knees and buried her face in the sofa cushions.
Having indulged in another good cry, she got up and went into the bathroom to wash her face. She couldn’t show up at her brother’s in such a state; she needed to pull herself together. Reapplying her tinted moisturiser, she decided to focus on packing an overnight bag as a way of stopping herself from dwelling.
It wasn’t just saying goodbye to Fred that hurt; she was upset about the situation with Lucas too. He’d barely been able to look at her this morning, and he’d left without so much as a peck on the cheek.
‘Merry Christmas to you too,’ she said mournfully, stuffing her pyjamas into her travel bag.
A knock on the door surprised her – not least because it wasn’t immediately followed by barking. The silence was going to take some getting used to.
Pausing when she reached the door, she realised with no Fred or Lucas to protect her, she needed to be more cautious. She’d buy a chain after Christmas. And maybe get a spyhole fitted. She’d definitely be requesting additional security for the main door downstairs. ‘Who is it?’
‘It’s me.’ The sound of Lucas’s voice made her nerves twitch.
‘Forget something?’ she asked, opening the door.
He looked sheepish. ‘I didn’t want to say goodbye with an audience. They’re walking Fred around the block. Can I come in?’
‘Sure.’ She went through to the lounge. ‘Quite the morning, huh?’
‘Exhausting.’ He didn’t look exhausted; he looked amazing. ‘How y’doing?’
She folded her arms across her chest, needing a barrier. ‘It’s a lot to process. I’m mostly relieved, but also a little raw.’
‘Understandable.’ He hesitated. ‘Did I do the right thing telling Harper about Fred?’
‘Absolutely. It’s the perfect outcome.’
He reached out and touched her arm as if he didn’t believe her, but admired her fortitude. ‘I hated the idea of leaving on Tuesday without things being resolved for you.’