Page 91 of Only for Christmas
No one could say he hadn’t tried.
With a sigh, he headed for the hallway. ‘You take care of yourself. And do what Doctor Khan tells you, okay?’
‘Still bossing me around,’ she mumbled, loud enough to ensure he heard. He’d almost reached the door when she added, ‘I suppose I should thank you for… well, you know.’
He turned to her. ‘Interfering?’
‘Too bloody right. Now go find someone else to annoy. Preferably in another country.’ She shut the door, although not before winking at him.
Figuring that was as much as he was going to get, he left Mrs Kelsey’s apartment and headed up the steps to say goodbye to his other feisty neighbour.
Nerves were racing through him as he neared her apartment, and he braced himself for another emotionally draining encounter. It had to be done; he’d hate himself if he didn’t make things right with Sarah before he left.
The climb felt heavy on his legs and he had to swallow hard to stop the tears surfacing. This would be the last time he’d come up here. The last time he’d knock on her door, and the last time he’d feel his pulse quicken when she opened the door and he saw her standing there.
Now he was here, it was even harder than he’d imagined. He tried for a smile when she opened the door, but she looked drawn and tired.
Worse, she visibly flinched when she saw it was him, and his already shattered heart splintered into a million pieces.
‘Can I come in?’ he asked, his cracked voice betraying him. He’d wanted to appear so composed, and he was failing at the first test. ‘I don’t want to leave things how they ended on Saturday.’
She stood back to allow him inside. She was dressed for bed, her hair loose and damp, and she tightened her dressing robe self-consciously around her. ‘How was your Christmas?’
‘Great, thanks.’ He followed her into the lounge. ‘The boys loved their presents. Thanks for doing that – it was thoughtful of you.’ He’d nearly blubbed when they’d opened their craft kits and started professing how much they loved Sarah. He knew the feeling.
She headed for the armchair. ‘How’s Fred settling in?’
‘It’s like he’s always been there. He has them running around after him, especially Harper. She’s still finding things difficult with Paul, but she’s in a much better place than she was.’ He hesitated when they reached the couch, not sure what to do with himself. Should he sit? Stay standing?
Sarah snatched a tissue from the side table and dabbed her nose. ‘I’m relieved he’s okay.’
‘I think having a dog will be good for Harper,’ he said, wanting to hug her, but knowing it was off-limits. ‘Fred needs his routine, and Harper needs a purpose in life to help her get back on track. It was funny to see her laughing when Fred stole one of Elliot’s mini sausages from his plate. You know the ones I mean, wrapped in bacon?’
Sarah smiled. ‘Pigs in blankets.’
‘That’s them. Weird, but strangely appetising.’
‘It’s nice to know things are working out.’ She perched on the edge of the armchair and gestured to the couch. ‘You can sit down.’
‘Thanks.’ The apartment seemed odd without Fred’s presence. It was too quiet, almost as if the energy had been sucked out of it. ‘How was Christmas with your family?’
‘Okay,’ she said, with a shrug. ‘A bit awkward to start with. Everyone was walking on eggshells and not sure how to behave around me, but after a few glasses of bubbly everyone relaxed. It was a nice day. Draining, but nice.’
‘Have you heard from the police?’
‘Nothing as yet, but it’s a bank holiday, so it’s not surprising.’
He watched her face, depressed by the sadness etched on it. ‘Will you let me know the outcome?’
‘Of course.’ She fiddled with the tie of her dressing robe. ‘What time is your flight tomorrow?’
It was an unwelcome reminder he was leaving. ‘Early afternoon. My sister’s picking me up at ten.’
‘Right.’ An awkward pause followed. ‘All packed?’
‘Not even started. Last-minute job for the morning.’ He tried for a self-deprecating shrug, but he could see he was making her uncomfortable. He needed to bite the bullet and do what he’d come for. ‘I wanted to say goodbye properly… but also apologise for how I behaved on Saturday. I was out of line, and I’m really sorry.’
Her eyes lowered to her lap. ‘It’s fine.’