Page 99 of Only for Christmas
She’d been finding Post-it notes all morning, stuck to the pillows, the dressing table mirror, even inside the loo seat. When Lucas had gained access to the room to hide them, she had no idea. Each note reassured her of his love, his devotion, and with the promise of being there today – something she already knew. Lucas was a man she could believe in. More importantly, she could believe in herself now. She was a woman in control of her life… Well, mostly. This latest development had shaken her, but she knew deep down everything would turn out okay.
Having reapplied her lipstick, she checked her appearance in the cabinet mirror and exited the bathroom to calls of ‘Finally!’ and ‘Sarah, we need to go!’
The room was in mayhem; her bridal party had certainly left their mark. Discarded shoes created hazards on the plush carpet, make-up paraphernalia stained the dressing table, and hair products obscured the walnut surfaces. The air reeked of clashing perfumes, and the bed was covered in so many items of clothing it masked the large tartan comforter.
Sarah smiled at her bridesmaids, wondering how three identical dresses could look so different. Jafrina looked classy and elegant in her mulberry shift dress. Harper looked sexy and edgy, and Georgia looked positively scandalous – helped by the dress being two sizes too small so it ‘emphasised’ her cleavage.
Jafrina was holding the four bridal bouquets. ‘Are you ready to go?’
‘I’m ready.’ Sarah slipped her feet into a pair of satin stilettos, the champagne colour a match for her dress.
She’d opted for a knee-length fitted dress, with a lace bodice that hugged her curves. A Highland wedding in December was never going to be warm. And besides, she’d wanted something more sophisticated this time around. Less romantic, and more ‘badass’, as Georgia had referred to it. Gaining Georgia’s approval that she looked ‘hot’ in the dress was all the incentive she’d needed to choose something less conventional – although she might have opted for something slightly stretchier if she’d known her waistline would be expanding at a rapid rate.
‘Sunglasses on,’ Georgia instructed, handing each of them a pair of tinted Ray-Bans.
Harper opened the bedroom door. ‘Let’s go, girls!’
Donning their sunglasses and furry boleros, they exited the bedroom as if they were the Pink Ladies strutting into Rydell High on a mission to take over the school. Several hotel guests did a double take as they sauntered past and exited through the grand foyer, where a huge Christmas tree twinkled away.
The car Sarah had hired was parked out front, waiting for them. She couldn’t help smiling when she saw the convertible metallic blue Cadillac, with chrome bumpers, and the hood already down. It was a real statement piece, just as she’d intended.
‘I really hope it doesn’t rain,’ Jafrina said, shivering as they walked towards the car.
‘And I hope we don’t crash,’ Georgia said, peering over the top of her sunglasses.
Sarah opened the driver’s door. ‘I’ve passed my test, haven’t I?’
‘Yesterday,’ Georgia said pointedly, rolling her heavily made-up eyes. ‘And in a Ford Focus, not a bleedin’ space wagon. And not in the Highlands of Scotland. And not in a left-hand drive.’
‘You worry too much.’ Sarah lowered herself onto the sumptuous cream leather seat. ‘The venue is less than a mile away; what could possibly go wrong?’
‘We end up face down in the loch?’ Georgia squeezed herself into the backseat. ‘You know, there are times when I miss the old Sarah. Doctor Moreish has a lot to answer for. This is his doing. He’s turned you into an intrepid.’
Sarah adjusted her sunglasses. ‘You can’t blame Lucas for this one; he’s got no idea I’ve even been taking lessons.’ She started the engine, sending a deep rumbling noise across Loch Duich. ‘Buckle up, everyone!’
Harper checked her lipstick in the visor mirror. ‘I can’t wait to see the look on his face. He won’t believe his eyes.’
That was the plan. Lucas had spent the entire year arranging surprises for her, from booking trips away, to sending her gifts and messages. He’d even surprised her with a dog when they’d moved into their new ‘pets allowed’ rental. Bless him.
It was her turn to surprise him.
‘Everyone ready?’ Sarah looked around the car, smiling at the sight of her bridal party wearing sunglasses, each resting one arm on the door frame like Fifties film stars.
Harper punched the air. ‘Wagons roll.’
It was fair to say Sarah’s one practice session earlier that morning driving the Cadillac hadn’t totally prepared her for negotiating her way down the narrow winding roads of the Wester Ross region of Scotland. Thankfully, Eilean Donan Castle was close enough that she could manage the short drive without encountering too many other vehicles. By the time the castle came into view she was quite enjoying herself – unlike her passengers, who looked relieved to be arriving in one piece.
Sarah could argue it was the stunning views of the centuries-old castle standing proud against the steel-grey loch that took her breath away. In truth, it was the sight of Lucas standing by the entrance of the walkway that almost caused her to crash the Cadillac. He was wearing a dark green suit, with a mulberry-coloured shirt and tie. By his side was their recently acquired dog, Tank, a squat British bulldog rescued by Lucas from Battersea Dogs & Cats Home as a surprise for her birthday. On Lucas’s other side were his adorable nephews, Max and Elliot, both dressed in the same outfits as Lucas. His mini groomsmen.
Lucas’s face when he saw the Cadillac approaching and realised who was driving was priceless. It was a mixture of shock, confusion and then hilarity as he burst out laughing. Even Tank raised an eyebrow, worried for his owner’s sanity as she slowed the car to a halt.
Laughing, Lucas skipped forwards and opened the driver’s door. ‘I’m guessing this explains the secret Thursday appointments?’
‘Busted,’ she said, taking his hand and removing her sunglasses. ‘Surprised?’
‘Astounded,’ he said, pulling her out of the car and looking at her in such a way it made her insides flip. ‘You look amazing.’ He kissed her cheek. ‘Absolutely beautiful.’
‘You scrub up quite well yourself,’ she said, touching his face and loving the feel of his clean-shaven skin. It made a change from the close-cut beard. While they waited for the others to exit the car, Sarah bent down to stroke Tank, or as much as her tight dress would allow. ‘You be a good boy for Harper and the boys while we’re away,’ she said, ruffling his ears. ‘And play nicely with Fred. No bullying, you hear?’