Page 115 of Voyeur
“Oh, thank God,” Silver said.
“We have to get dressed,” Honor told her.
“We still have time,” Silver replied. “And I was too tired to do anything last night, babe. Stupid flight delay made it take longer for me to get to you, and I had plans.” She kissed up Honor’s inner thigh.
Silver had gotten home well after midnight after a nightmare of a flight that had taken off four hours later than it was supposed to. Instead of heading straight to Honor’s, she’d gone home because she’d wanted to pass out in her bed, and she’d needed to make sure her suit was wrinkle-free for the gala the following night. She’d worn her favorite suit shirt and pants on her trip when she’d really needed to impress the artist. Thie time, she’d not paired the ensemble with a jacket, but the outfit had been enough to get an invite to the artist’s place. Silver hadn’t taken her up on it, though. She didn’t sleep with artists she brought into the collective. Well, she had, if the performers from one show counted, but other than that, she’d never broken that rule.
She didn’t have time to get her favorite things dry-cleaned, so she’d woken early on Saturday and had steamed the jacket that looked fine but needed to look perfect for their first official outing as a couple and did the same with the shirt and pants for good measure. She even polished her black dress shoes, and after she finished all that, she hung everything in a bag and carried the shoes down to her car. Then, she driven to Honor’s place, deciding to shower there because she planned on needing that shower.
When she’d walked into the apartment through the unlocked door Honor had left for her, Silver had hung up the bag and set the shoes by the door. Then, she’d called for Honor, who walked out of the bathroom wearing only a towel around her body and with still-wet hair from her shower. Silver had tried not to be disappointed. They hadn’t made any official plans to shower together, but she’d hoped they would, given that she’d been gone for days and had been dying for all opportunities to be pressed up again Honor’s body.
Honor had smiled wide and had run into Silver’s arms. It had been adorable, and Silver had held on to her, needing this moment to breathe in Honor’s citrus body wash and her floral shampoo. Then, she’d felt Honor’s naked body press against hers, so she’d opened her eyes. The towel was on the floor behind them now. Maybe it had fallen, or maybe Honor had dropped it purposefully. Either way, it didn’t matter. Silver would take full advantage.
“You know what I missed?” she asked, kissing up Honor’s thigh.
“When you tell me what you want. It’s an extra turn-on for me when you just take it from me.”
“Silver, you need to get in the shower, babe. Why didn’t you shower at home?”
“I wanted to shower with you.”
“Oh, babe… I’m sorry. I get so nervous before these things. I’m not exactly a fan of having to dress up. And I can turn on the whole fundraiser part of my personality and be an extravert for a night, but I’m usually a nervous wreck on days like this. I should’ve told you that. I showered last night, too. It kind of occupies me and gives me a chance to think about my plan of attack for the night at the same time.”
Silver looked up at her and said, “Plan of attack?”
“Yeah. Which donors still haven’t committed their money and which people are new whom I need to introduce myself personally, to; that kind of thing.”
“Oh. Go over it with me.”
“Go over it with me so that I’m in the loop. I’ve had to ask for money, too. I know the drill. Give me what you’re thinking now, and I’ll help you with any tension before we leave.” Silver ran her hands up and down Honor’s thighs.
Honor smiled down at her and said, “Victor Andrews.”
Silver lifted her eyebrow and knew they were in business. She spread Honor’s thighs wider and stared down at her girlfriend’s beautiful pussy.
“Tell me about him,” she encouraged before leaning in to lick Honor.
“Fuck,” Honor let out.
“You want to fuck him?” Silver teased.
Honor gripped her hair and pushed Silver into her center.
“Shut up,” she said playfully, but there was a hint of seriousness in her tone. “He’s my big white whale. He usually gives to cancer charities because he lost his sister to the disease years ago. He comes to this event every year and pays for a table, probably more to save face with the rich crowd than to actually give us money. Whenever I talk to him, he says his donation is locked in elsewhere but he’s there to show his support. He doesn’t think caregivers need his money, but he’s the richest man in the room every year, and we could use all the help we could get.” Honor tugged a little on Silver’s hair. “I want to ride your face.”
Silver pulled back and smirked at her. Then, she climbed up on Honor’s sofa and waited until Honor moved her pussy over her mouth.
“I want his money, Silver. We need it. Not to keep the doors open, but to help more people.” Honor ground her sex down, and Silver sucked on her clit, deciding she’d do anything she could to help Honor get that donation.
Honor looked beautiful in a red, floor-length dress that was also strapless, making Silver wonder if her girlfriend had worn this one just for her since she knew how much Silver loved her shoulders. Silver would be all over those shoulders whenever this party was over. They’d only had time for Honor to come once before Silver had to hop in the shower, and Honor had felt like she was running behind too much to join her. Silver had stroked herself to a quick release while Honor had stood in the bathroom and brushed her teeth. They’d walked into the venue two hours before the event started because they were here for Honor’s job, not just to enjoy a party. Silver had been bored pretty much right away, with nothing to do but sit in one of the chairs and wait for the actual event to begin.